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Reviews for "Pokemon Hunter"

I...think I've seen this before...

The music and animation style...I saw something like this with a set of generic monsters and a couple of fighters. One was a wolfman with an axe while the other was a catman with a sword... Did you do that one as well? I think it's called matatabiasobi....you can look it up on Youtube...

Not saying you ripped this off, you might be the original artist, for all I know. I'm just saying...

Your animation quality is better, but understand that I can't give this a full score because of that.

Again, if you did the other/original one, then feel free to ignore this whole reveiw...

NCH responds:

like I said, not my most original work, I already wrote this in my comments and in my flash. please just read at least. its a tribute flash to that animation, and yes, its uses the same song and takes some of the scenes from it.


overview-A bunch of tweens on a stolen idea.

sure its flashy and colorful and fast action paced.

but in all seriousness. i mean, come on. really? REALLY? even the artist admits he doesnt deserve the great score and reviews and like 1 week of front page time. but he wont complain. ( i wouldnt either ;) )

i like pokemans too, but nty.

NCH responds:

well, I didnt really know that theres such a huge pokemon fanbase on NG (not a regular here)


impressions before reviewing it: I believe, judging form the title, that this is an attempt to make fun of pokemon. Since theirs mild violence, and most likely little shock value. I don't expect much. that said if it doesn't make fun of that show I will be a bit Irked... I HATE POKEMON

well animated fight scene to repetitive rock music with animals fighting another shooting indiscriminate little balls of light. How is it that the pokemon are enslaved by human beings?

good animation, needs a better concept

After reviewing it:

wasnt that good

,too much things goin on, the pokemon were drawn horribly,lucario is a steel AND fighting sneasel is ice AND dark.i think u need some work done if u want this to be a front pager


I just see the video but I cant play! UU'