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Reviews for "We Hate Call of Duty: WaW"

You sir are correct at like half the stuff

which is astounding for a newgrounds flash
this is why i went back to halo instead of WAW
WAW sucks

MoozipanCheese responds:

I wouldn't say it sucks. In fact, I quite enjoyed it.


I gave up on the game. I played it for2 days and said hell with it.

You actually nailed most of the things that I don't like about the game.

That and the main reason... They went back in time for no reason at all. Nice one with that!

Over all though, about your flash here. Very nice, valid points with little animations to go with it. Good work.

MoozipanCheese responds:

Thanks. :)


Well i really am a COD fan but i can't agree with all of these things but nice done and what's the song can i have the name please

MoozipanCheese responds:

The audio used includes three heavily remixed tunes (Final Push, Wild Card and Credits) and the popular Königgrätzer Marsch.

Good job.

Much better than the previous one, but it seems that good timing is impossible.
Your art is obviously much better, props on that.

MoozipanCheese responds:

Thank you kindly.


i liked the vid nut cod 5 is my favorite game but it still provided me with 101 laffs

MoozipanCheese responds:

101 laughs? Well that's more than I was aiming for. :D