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Reviews for "We Hate Call of Duty: WaW"

Nice one! you hit alot of good points.

Call of duty WAW is the worst game i ever bought, in fact i gave it away in disgust the only game that i have ever truely "gotten rid of"

But you could have hit alot more. I mean the dogs were so stupid they bite you twice and you die? they can jump like 20 feet? The tanks move like 2 feet a year?
Flame thrower has unliminited ammo? Artillery shells that FOLLOW you? Weakened 45 caliber weapons (like the thompson and the col 45 which should be awesome but aren't? Useless pistols? Bouncing betties that come up even when you don't step on them? "Remote" Satchels which don't exist? The list goes on and on.

MoozipanCheese responds:

And on and on.

Still funny!


MoozipanCheese responds:



Another bullseye. Keep up the good work.

MoozipanCheese responds:


``Too Funny``

All reasons were true,and very funny reasons indeed.

MoozipanCheese responds:


My favorite.

This is my favorite. It is well animated and doesn't try too hard like the first one. I found I agreed with Reznov's constant sniper feedback to be really annoying.

MoozipanCheese responds:

Fuckin' Reznov!