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Reviews for "Brawl Funnies [Dick 2]"

another fail

there was actually nothing funny in this one, so I kin dof with i could give this one less than zero stars. how about this: next time think of something clever and follow through with jokes that actually make people laugh.

and this one is even shittier!

at least the other one, the first flash was great, but this one everything sucks, and whats even worse, is that in the test audience scene you admit that since some one thought that any of this shitty ass jokes were funny you tought everyone would like it, but i think so far no one has enjoyed it.

CoolDrMoney responds:


That was just mean

I have been on Newgrounds for years and in that time I have never once gotten involved with the forums or written a review, but I have to make an exception at this. Although there was some good art involved with this movie. The jokes simply didn't hit. I mean you would probably have to have pictures of Rhina-chan and Kirbopher up on your walls with the eyes stabbed out, draw pictures of them getting slaughtered and raped, write stories about them getting slaughtered and raped, and generally have an utter disgust for there existence to find these movies funny.Seriously, I am dumbfounded as to how any one could have such a vehement hatred for something. Getting back to the jokes, now that I think about it, where were they? Everything was basically, "Here you see? This is what you idiots out there laugh at. Bare witness to your stupidity! Aww, whats the matter? Don't you like Brawl taunts anymore? Go die! Fag!lol.". I don't know if that was the intended message, but thats the way it came off. In closing , this is Newgrounds and you have the right, whether others like it or not, to make any statement you like. I just hope one day you guys can just relax and not go on crusades to rid Newgrounds of what you think are filth and keep the outsider, "Oh, thats popular, WELL I HATE IT!!!!!!", master race pure.

CoolDrMoney responds:

So you sayin I dont have a rite to make a statement? That dont sound rite at all!

Not entirely sure which is worse.

The fact that there's a declining supply of originality on NG or the fact that seemingly everyone wants to waste time pointing that out. Do you remember that prick in class or work, who always had something to say to you when you were just enjoying yourself? Seems you all became that guy somewhere down the line, and instead of just promoting your own work you decide to gang up and shit out this garbage.

Just because this so callled humor is intentional doesn't mean it's any less of a stinker and while brawl taunts amongst other popular series, aren't thought provoking masterworks they're at least entertaining. That makes BT 1-0 with this.

In closing, unless you gentlemen/ladies are raring to pull the next Bitey of Brackenwood out of your butthurt buttholes don't waste page space complaining about the other movies that do.

CoolDrMoney responds:

Man you dont understand

Im real surprised Id thought people would get it by now!


This one was even worse than the 1st one, only one that was funny was the Brawl smoothie. I understand that the title has to word dick in it but the dick jokes were just freaking retarded. The flash with the damn Mario and Luigi dick one was useless, not even funny. I'm pretty sure the two people that gave this a 10, are people who don't have a sense of humor, or its just another account made by the artist trying to make this flash look good.

CoolDrMoney responds:

Ye that the only logical explaination