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Reviews for "Pico Epsilon"

Ohh...that is a good one

It takes a great artist to be able to connect an amazing story from a simple flash.

To be inspired by the smallest thing...into this BIG thing.

And for it to conclude with the timeline of the Tankmen...it makes perfect sense.

I have a strong feeling that this flash will remain to be a significant part of the Pico Universe...

Is it better than "Fatherly Bonds" ?

It's very hard to judge because they are in two different genres.

Comedy action VS Action action

But...seeing that it was a late submission...I'm not sure if you still are included in the Pico Day awards. But I believe you should

BiffTheTimid responds:

Thanks for taking the time to write this review man. I really appreciate it. I really like hearing that people like the tie-in. Once it came into my head, that was when I decided for sure that I was going to make the movie. I hope I'm included too, but who knows how it'll play out. I won't make any expectations.


dis was a really amazing Pico day submission linking two very famous Newgrounds flashes together with a Nuke (With angry faic on) is pure genious very good work!!


Awesome man...

Good job.

Well done. OF COURSE the black guy dies first, but then again everyone died... I thought it was awesome. Don't listen to the cinematic geniuses complaining about no sounds. The music was perfectly in sync with the movie.


i also liked how you tied tankmen and pico together it was very creative, thats how i'd like tankmen to come from =)