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Reviews for "Barbarian Bob [Remake]"

Okay for what it is...

but at least one of the problems you think you fixed isn't actually fixed. I finished the game, entered the cheat menu, selected some things, unselected those things, exited the cheat menu and earned 4 more achievements, but they do not show up on my NG account. In the game it shows I have all achievements except InvinciBob, Warlock Holmes and Barbarian King, but on my NG account it only shows Rags to Riches, which is the one I earned the first time I played.

Also it seems you can't earn the Carbon Copy achievement as Terrence. Parried a bunch of times in a row, didn't get anything for it. Had to redo it as Bob. Incidentally, if you quit out as Terrence, when you restart you'll be Terrence, but Terrence's clothes will still be on the wall. To get back to being Bob you have to grab his clothes and then put them back. So I suppose that means Terrence was naked, which is something entirely different.

Sorry this review ended up being a bug report. Not my intention. Hope knowing about these bugs helps!

Skribble-Style responds:

No, no, don't be sorry! Without the help of people like yourself, Bob would still be bugged up like a mofo.

Many thanks for the comment dude, it helps a lot!

its good

it was good but not great.

Enjoyable for the most part

An entertaining little aimless game about violence. I'm always up for that. The artwork was colorful and vibrant, though it seemed like some areas were more detailed than others. The characters were simple, but still appealing. The controls also work well, blocking, parrying, and attacking are fun, but i find the consistency of these tactics to be kind of pointless at times. Enemies always seem to block after I parry them, leaving me wide open for a sword to the face and when I try to counter attack the big guys, my sword seems to go right though them.
I was still able to enjoy the game, even though I was crap at it. A few more enemy types might have been interesting, and would add some variety to the game. Most importantly though, I'm glad the remake still retains the challenge of the original.


i liked the music!!!!..but i didnt really like the game:( i dont know why i just dont like it sorry but you get 5/10 for animation and music:)

Skribble-Style responds:

No worries man, it would be great if I could please 100% of the audience, but that's impossible. At least you found something you liked about it :D

Relatively uninteresting

It's pretty hard to give this game more than a five, considering the relative lack of content, as well as fun. The fighting is pretty bare-bones, attack with j. Now press it alot until the enemy is dead.
Unfortunately, as simple as it is, it's very buggy, as you can easily not hit enemies despite what should be perfect hits, and enemy's can sometimes attack through your shield. As well, the final boss is very uninteresting.

In terms of graphics, the backgrounds look okay, but the characters just look bad. While using simple art isn't a bad thing, this game's graphics are very bland, essentially a circle for a head on a rectangle for a body. No shading, only one color. Making things worse is that you and your enemies can hit eachother despite your weapons clearly not being long enough.

Sound wise, the sound is relatively bland, the sfx aren't really easy to hear, and I don't believe there was any music.

Overall, this game just looks like it was made by someone who was really bored.