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Reviews for "Red Moon"


i cant move if i try to i keep moving in same direction cant stop it so i give up

Right what I expected

Right when I saw the cutscene at the beginning I expected nothing more than what I saw. I though the game was very poor. It looked quite okay, but movement was very vague and lame, and fighting also wasn't great. This special power attack didn't do anything special and the enemies were too tough in hp, but didn't attack at all. Jumping on to a ledge also sucked. Keep trying.


The game itself was good, art n graphics great, even the gameplay was nice! But what there are some things which made me mad as hell...

1. Some pretty frustraiting Medals like "Orb Hunter" and "Moon Diety". While its pretty simple to beat crap out of enemies, it gets me really mad when I suddenly fall in a pit full of monsters and right between them(don't remeber the number of stage) which equals sure death. Orb hunting is pretty much the same, cos in some places u fall down a long way and the character seems to be moving left-right in open air a bit slow, which makes it almost impossible to collect orbs.

2. I've played two previous games and find it quite hard to fit the events of this part into whole timeline.

3. I've played the game 5 times... and each time during the last(I guess it was last) cinematic, right when characters attack King, the game restarts at training stage and I had to start all over! I tryed 3 different browsers but result was the same all over again.

If not for those flaws the game is worth 8/10 4/5.

God what a pain in the ass

Look the mechanics and graphics and stuff are all good and whatever but Jesus Christ man make is more interesting this is basically Prince of Persia and I only kept playing cause of the medals. Make it more interesting and make the fighting a bit harder and with more moves. But all in all it's alright but graphics and less bugs don't replace content.

What the...?

I just got to last boss, cinematic started and...game returned to beginning! What the hell!? And by the way medals don't work.