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Reviews for ""Strange Fruit""

Moving! Bravo!

I read this poem for my dance appreciation class last semester. (Such a dreadful class)

This poem stands out, though, in that it is very solemn and moving. It captures the realism and rationality that is within every aspect of our life and that is the terrible act of racism and lynching those years ago. There has been many acts of terrible deeds committed on fellow humans. One day all shall see a brighter light.

Good :D

I loved it. It was moving and solemn. The only bit is.. the woman's voice is bad at some bits. But that's out of your control so sorry.

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Always thought that poem was beautifully written, as dark as the message may be.

Animation style was very fitting, I would say. Very dark colors throughout, with the exception of the magnolia tree being stark white, which was wonderful contrast.

Nothing moved too quickly, it was nice and slow, which fitted the mood and music well. I would have liked to have seen more, but not too much more, if that makes sense. The subtle hinting at the hung body was nice, and I wouldn't want to see more of that, or it might ruin it.

The background gradients seemed a little out of place here and there. It's nice to see in some parts, but I noticed particularly near the end, the various shades of the gradient were broken apart into their own solid greys, and it was distracting to the eyes.

Overall a very well done piece with a wonderful message.

J-qb responds:

the wonder of it is that the magnolia tree wasn't at all stark white, but just a lighter shade of grey.
as for the gradient: flash can't seem to handle any more shades of grey...

....I've always hated that song...

And I still do. It's an awful song, because of the very truth of it. As a Black person, myself, that really hits home with me. I've experienced racism on an individual level, and it's ugly stuff. I want to thank you for this animation. Nicely done, very sad.

As for you, mistressoftheopera. You are obviously a racist. You may not think you are, you use very politically correct terminology, but what you're saying, and the idea behind it, is extremely racist. You don't see it that way, because you have the privilege of being white. You have the privilege of not NEEDING to see things from the point of view of a Black person. You're lucky. Another thing, there is no such thing as a'full fledged racist.' A little bit of racism, just a drop, makes you racist. You either are, or you aren't. There is no, 'little bit' racist, there is no 'completely' racist. It's one or the other. No one is asking you to feel guilt, as it were. No, what we(Black people) want, is for you to feel this from our side, and truly understand it. It's not YOUR fault, personally. But your point of view, the things that you obviously think, well. That's how it all started. No one is immune to racism, but. Racism against people of color, well, that's a white problem. Because everyone is a person of color. Besides white people. Yet, white people are the dominant group in our society, why is that? White people have the privilege of stepping into a world that they know is theirs. People of color, like myself? We don't have that privilege. Being white means being special, being human, being acceptable. You don't see it that way, I understand that, and I have no anger toward you at all. But, a video that you might benefit from watching is 'The Color of Fear'. Please, look it up. Watch it. Watch even a few minutes of it. My guess is, you won't. But if you do...if you DO. Thank you. You have the power to abolish racism. YOU have the power to stop it. The question is, do you WANT to?

great job

this song has always been such a slap in the face of an observation. beautiful, haunting imagery really help drive the message home. thanks for this!