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Reviews for "->The Par Box<-"

you, good sir, are a god

i'm not condoning drug use, but whenever i spark up again, i'm coming to this right here. it's bookmarked and sent to like a bajillion friends.

thank you for bringing us this!!! and the music is badass.

FatKidWitAJetPak responds:

YOU BET THE MUSIC IS BADASS. SBB is the best audio artist EVAR I SAY. And thanks for telling your friends heheh.

Cool but,

Dude why no WASD control? This is a pain in the ass for a right-handed person to play, I am using a laptop built-in mouse pad and I have to either cross my arms or mouse left-handed to play this. Looks like a trippy and fun little experiment but I can't control it comfortably.

FatKidWitAJetPak responds:

Well, sorry about that. I could have a WASD control I guess... but that shouldnt bring my score down by that much. :o

great potential nick-san has

i rlly wish i could download some of these as my default mouse(i no that u said its not a mouse effects thing) cause these made my lmao wen my stoner friend came over...

FatKidWitAJetPak responds:

Huhh... Weeellll errrr... If I knew how I would! I tell you what, I will work on that. :)


i love it man! 10/19 - 5/5
were you high when you made this? xD

FatKidWitAJetPak responds:

Nah man. I would have to be high for 4 months, cause thats how long it took lol.


Trippy as hell!! Good job..now all we need is enhancing substances and it would be perfect XD

FatKidWitAJetPak responds:

Exactly man... if only I could program flash to inject each person who watches it wi acid... hmmmmmm.