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Reviews for "A Crow in Hell 2"

get rid of the exploading wall bit

get rid of the exploading wall thing and maybe add in just slightly more harmful barriers and it will be perfect.


Full of cheap deaths, annoying and for a game that requires such precision in its navigation the controls are too sloppy and twitchy. I personally thought that the first one was way way better.

I am sadly dissapointed...

This game took all the cons from the first and... left them in? Well, I suppose I can be fair and say there weren't any "impossible moments" this time around. Well, not any intentional ones anyways. Lets start with the Pros seeing that this IS a good game with a whole lot of promise. Just many faults that dirty an otherwise golden shine.

The artwork is beautiful. I simply love the shadow look and how it ties in with the whole "don't touch the walls/anything" gameplay.

The sounds/sound fx were fine and dandy and not torture to the ear. Which is a SUPER-AWESOME thing because you will be hearing the crows "death-caw" ALOT.

Although the bird is a little too sensitive you do get used to it and the controls are so simple yet so intricate (spelling?)

Thats it. Now for the cons. Pretty much all the cons I found from the first game are present with the absence of 1 and the presence of a couple more.

1) I have sort of accepted your "touch anything and die" rule but I still find some of the things that kill a bit silly. Spiderwebs being one but understandable seeing that its there (for the most part) to make a path a bit more narrow however I still don't like the flys. Birds eat bugs. I know in the last game there were huge ass bugs all over and that was workable. In here, there was just a huge scorpion and flys. Since this is supposed to be "hell" couldn't these things at least look a bit more hellish?

2) You have removed the parts where you HAD to die to get a key and I thank you for that. But certain "triggered" points made it impossible to go on sometimes. I remember a specific key where you had to dash past a robotic arm before it blocked your path. Fun but when you return the arm is instantly triggered and you just can't get past in time. You actually HAD to kill yourself to go on. I suppose it isn't a big deal seeing that the lives or "wings" system is flawed.

3) Why is there a lives system STILL? Everytime you go back to the check point. When you use up all of the lives you, wait for it, go back to the check point. Its really all nuisance if anything. The only real difference is after your 3rd "wing" (why wings? they look like feathers to me.) you go to the menu. So why involve lives at all?

4) Why is there STILL no pause? Technically, I suppose there is but all it really is is a forfeit to all 3 of your wings right away. It's just... augh! Stupid.

5) I really do not like this ending. It should have treated us to yet another animation of the bird exacting revenge on its killer. Instead we are given a "to be continued." I apologized but even if people DO like this game that is a low blow regardless. This game is tough. REALLY tough. Just give us a damn ending for our efforts and work on your third title! This game is so simple (plot wise) I really don't think you need to split it up into "parts." This is why I give you 3/10 and a 1/5. The bonus levels weren't anything too special either. Definitely not worth the effort.

I must once again say that this game has so much potential to be great but is faulted greatly by bad programming and faulty gameplay aspects. I was actually excited to play this game to see how it was improved since the last. I don't know if I'll want to play the third one now if this is going to be the pattern.

oh..... i thought it was going to be good

Its far to easy to die i mean comeon i cant even land! your a bird!!!!!
i game you a three beacuase the graphics a re good and so is the sound but its just to easy to die.


A good concept with well-done graphics, but there are several things wrong with it that infuriated me while playing this game. I'm sure you know the first and largest problem. Yep, the controls are wa~y too sensitive. It made it almost impossible to navigate some rooms. That's what bugged me the most. What come next is the fact that you have implemented booby traps into this game that are impossible to foresee or predict until you have fallen for them and died once. This is unacceptable. As the player, I want a chance to see it coming. It's simply not a fair game when my bird gets caught in a trap that was invisible and I am left saying "What the hell?!" rather than "Shoot, I should have seen that. I need to be more observant." This brings me to my third gripe about the game. It's good that you pretty much give unlimited lives throughout the game, seeing as you've decided to make it bloody damn impossible to get through it without dying quite literally a hundred or so times. In light of this, what is the point of having three lives, getting a GAME OVER screen, clicking play, and being right back where you left off? If you are going to implement a "game over" system, it should really be a game over. What you have done here is more like "Look, you've run out of wings so here's some fire and brimstone and a button to click, just to annoy you." There is no consequence for getting a game over and frankly this game would be utterly impossible if there were. So again I ask you "Why?" My final problem with this game is the spawn points. There were several spawnpoints throughout the game that were so close to an edge that my bird would instantly explode regardless of whether or not my arrow keys were being mashed. That just shouldn't happen any way you look at it. With these problems taken into consideration, I found this game to be downright irritating and unbearable. No offense, producer, but it feels like there wasn't a lot of thought put into this game.