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Reviews for "A Crow in Hell 2"


What the unlucky crow... :P Looks quite similar than previous part of game...and it's awesome like that :D Great game x]


Very fun! The crow seems less frustrating to control than in the last game, and I loved a few of the rooms (the scorpion one was great; extra interactivity with the environment in a game like this is always very interesting).

A couple things were annoying, however. I would have like to be able to hit some key on my keyboard to keep playing whenever that menu came up (often), since I usually keep my mouse off in some far corner of the screen, out of my way. Also, I decided to see what sort of challenges I was unlocking with all these keys I was collecting (by now I had gone through the first four or so of the green rooms), so I clicked on "main menu." When I got there, I discovered that none of my progress had been saved, that I couldn't access any challenges or resume my game where I had left off. This was of course very frustrating, so I must disappointedly say that I'm not going to finish the game. You should be proud anyway: this is some of the best stuff on newgrounds!

Difficult, but didn't stab monitor

Overall, it was pretty challenging. The game was fun, the puzzles were interesting. I liked the key idea. Something I found frustrating was the frame change in a tight pathway and there suddenly being a rock there. That pissed me off a bit over and over. But, in the end it was a very different experience and enjoyable.

i'll give it a 9

great game, played through the whole thing and managed to grab 28 keys.
found the last two on my second try;)

a few things though.

whats with the "retry" function? why do you have it? why not just respawn at the checkpoint all the time? i don't get it

also i think i might have found a bug. or i did something wrong. but i couldn't play the extra challanges...

might be because i started a new game before i attempted the extra features.
i don't know.

amazing graphics though. loved the simple "black vs background"-style

and the choice of music was very enchanting to. it gave you that spooky feeling like "you're in hell and you need to get out". it kept you in there untill you made sure the crow was safe;)

again, great game and hope to see more.


Why the difficulty hate?

I really don't see why people rate lower because its hard. IMO it really isn't so hard, checkpoints are everywhere, and I finished it easily in one sitting (died a lot ofcourse).
Awesome graphics, nice gameplay and original idea.

Again, stop rating the game badly because you are to pathetic to handle your birdy dieing a few times. Oh, and the feathers AREN'T necesarry, so don't bother getting them unless you want the challenges, like me:) Good game PopBrain. Lastly, Tryolaser, thanks for stating the obvious :|.