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Reviews for "Dante's Inferno w/ Mario"

Not perfectly accurate, but...

You have mixed a perfect combination of humor, Mario, and tidbits of the actual story...

I found this very entertaining!!!


Having read Dante's Inferno I really enjoyed this take on the tale. Of course it wasn't meant to be verbatim from the book but it shows the jest of it fairly well.

The animation is good and the voice acting it decent but the story is very humorous and enjoyable. Keep up the good work!! :)


I haven't read the book either, but... mixing Nintendo in to explain serious stories always works fine with me. Sure, there could be improving in the voice acting and the animations seem a bit sloppy... but I only mention that, because you seem to be able to do even better, as far as I can tell based on the quality of this movie. If it's due to style, I haven't said anything.

Anyway, this might even be able to make it into a collection.

4/5 8/10,
Good work!

Pretty good

I remember watching "One More Minute" about a year ago and this is definitely a step up as far as animation goes. Don't get me wrong, I really liked that cartoon, but this one shows great improvement in using some great frame by frame techniques and staying close to tweening as well, which is never a bad thing (unless its just a tween that serves no purpose). Anyways, the characters were well drawn out and I love that fact that you didn't decide to use sprites, so extra points for that
As for the story, It was interesting. I may be the only one, but i didn't really understand what was going on. What I grasped was that toad was just showing mario different levels of hell with memorable characters from the game in there. Some people might understand it so I wont take points for that (I understand this is a school project)
I'm impressed that you went out of your way to voice act it. I wouldn't have worked any other way. I didn't particularly like the voice acting (not saying youre bad, but i just didn't work for me). You should probably try to get free voice actors online. They could have done a better job and I know plenty always looking for work.
Overall, good work and I hope to see more later this year

JonBro responds:

I know what you mean with the voices. I personally think I can voice act fairly well... unless it comes to Toad's voice. Just trying to get that high-pitch raspy sound is really hard and hurts my throat... so it isn't even entirely consistent throughout the movie.

Thanks for the review!

