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Reviews for "Music Catch 2"

Just beautiful

A solid 10.

I've never described a game as beautiful, but this gets it. I was immersed. It was peaceful, relaxing and easy on the eyes. The difficulty was just right. The graphics were A+ and the concept behind it so simple, yet so perfectly executed.

I'm hoping to see more of these games. Amazing work. Thanks for making it.

A new musical experience!

'Music Catch 2' is definitely a step in the right direction from its predecessor. =)

Having the availability to choose what .mp3 file you want to play with the new URL feature makes the game even better than before! =D


Rhythm Game Review: 'Music Catch 2'

Gameplay: 6/10
- Pretty mediocre gameplay although it still lacks that extra zest for us gamers to keep on playing the game over-and-over again. =(

After playing a few songs with the URL option, you'll soon come to notice that, although the beat of the music is still pretty decently synchronized within the flash game, it may just be better to go ahead and play a game such as 'StepMania' where you're not just moving your mouse around randomly collecting music. The reason for that is because when you use the arrow keys to play with the beat, or if you actually use your feet, it feels more like an interesting rhythm game due to the freedom to move and dance to the beat.

Although the idea of collecting music was great and all, it just doesn't cut it for the gameplay experience all of us gamers wanted, so it felt a bit too repetitive and much like the first 'Music Catch' game rather than a newly revised sequel.

Remember, if you could sit down with a little sibling and watch them play the game for hours, then you know that your game is at least decent in gameplay. =)


Graphics: 8/10
- I would've given this game a better score for graphics if we could've had the ability to choose our own customized backgrounds from our own desktop (or picture files, depending on how you locate your files).

Overall, for those whom have played the prequel to this game, you won't see any (if not, then not too much) sort of an improvement in the graphics of the last 'Music Catch' game.

As said before, try considering a new feature that will allow players to customize the backgrounds of songs that are playing next time. =)


Audio: 9/10
- With the newly added .mp3 upload feature you have in 'Music Catch 2' by using the URL to upload a .mp3 file, the game is far better than that of its prequel.

However, with the addition of this new feature... there's still a few problems regarding how you exactly upload a .mp3 file, which you may need to sort out. Although I, as well as many other players, may know that you can use audio from the NewGrounds Audio Portal, it's far better to actually have the availability of uploading your own .mp3 files stored on your computer's hard drive.

If you make a sequel to 'Music Catch 2', then consider making the added function of uploading .mp4 files as well, if at all possible. =)


Replay Value: 3/10
- Mediocre, at best. The game's music and upload feature is interesting, but using a mouse rather than the arrow keys kind of takes the point out of it being a rhythm game and causes gameplay to get repetitive to quickly.

Slowdown Rate: 10/10
- One great thing about this game that I truly love is that there's near-to-no slowdown rate (or lag) that you should ever experience unless you had another web page loaded up that had some sort of Flash designs or Audio playing in the background.

^ (Or if your computer's web browser just totally epic fails.)


- Upload system doesn't work very well and can't upload all NewGrounds Audio submissions in the proper quality.


Great job on the making of the game, and I hope your other titles will be even greater than this one. =D

~ Jonathan


Same as the guy below me, it just stuttered with the occaisional beep while showing the grey line. I won't mark you down, but a solution would be lovely.


I loved the first Music Catch and didn't think it could get better, but I was wrong. Good choice of songs, very mellow and fun to listen to. This game makes listening to music (probably my favorite thing to do) THAT much more fun. Purple is new favorite color because of this game lol. Also I liked that you added the option to use your own mp3s in the free version. I used Peter Frampton's "Do you feel live we do (live)" and in case you don't know the song, its 14 minutes long. Haha I got 43,853,152 on it and max bonus like 280. Yeah, I was bored and wanted to see how much I could get.

Anyway, great game. 5/5; 10/10

Ah, isn't it peaceful?

It makes me think about fantasy and creativity this game is a fun one with soothing music. I hope it will help with stress too.