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Reviews for "Racism!"


weirdo san shutup thats not what new grounds is all about.
this was totally awesome. a bit short but still, choice of colour and shapes was interesting


I assume everyone thinks the Swastika faced individuals are racist. Thats racist

as far as the assignment good.

but the message is one that we see all too often that isn't addressing the real problem, people aren't racist because of skin colors, they are racist because of the stereotypes that surround that race, white people aren't angry at black people moving into their neighborhood because they have a different skin color, they are usually angry because that family has a little gangster wannabe son that blasts music and drives around like an ass, because when you see that you can assume that that individual most likely has taken to the "rap culture" as too many black youth do today, and it makes you feel like you need to be protetive of your way of life. I used the white black comparison because I think that those are the two races that most often come up in these conversations about racism, I'm white actually a mut but you would see me and say white, and I ave no problem with black people whatsoever, I do have a problem with those that buy into dieas that make them near sighted in their lives, tell them to fuck bitches smoke drugs, and never go to college just hustle your whole life, it's all bullshit, and gang propaganfda, and I hope that one day it stops ruining lives. But for that to happen people are going to start realizing what it is doing to thier communitis and lives and the lives of those around them. My point being racism doesn't come from having yellow, red, black, white skin, or triangles or circles on your face, it comes from the ideas that you are associated with. A mexican man that is covered in tatoos and wears xxxxL shirts and drives around listening to latina gang music isn't distancing himslef from those associations, and people are going to look at him as a threat, not a fear of harm to themselves, but fear of harm to their way of life where their kids are ambitious, healthy, safe, and happy. We need to attack the real issues, and that is poverty, glorification of living a meaningless life. It's up to the people being descriminated to distance themselves from the negative stigmas that follow them around and slowly we can all forget that there ever were those kinds of unhealthy differences people of every race will statistically attend college at the same rates, and be successful and happy. But hings like rap culture are weighing down on society. peace everyone.

Slay-Meek responds:

right on man,

you probably said it better than my little movie ever could,
thanks for leaving such a detailed response

great piece of work

its great how u got the message out about racism dude

this is ng!

it has a good point, the movie sucks and the point isn't expressed very well. and remember, ITS NEWGROUDS, its supposed to be fun or good!