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Reviews for "The TRUE death of Hinata"


i really hoped this would be funnier in some way.
It missed something.

A what the hell, i like Hinata anyway

Must talent be wasted on such....

Stupid things that matter little in the grand scheme. So Hinata died and you don't care, big deal then don't read the manga and fill newgrounds with such crap. I've never been a big fan of Naruto, but I don't think such poorly made animation should be added to newgrounds to show your opinion on such a minor situation. Go post this in a forum if you don't like what you saw. Save the front page for another flash for someone with a less stupid idea.
2/10 0/5


Uhh... Hinata isn't dead.
Never was.

Besides, the most over-rated character in Naruto is definatly Sasuke.

As for the movie... yeah it wasn't funny or amusing.

ha ha ha ha

ha ha ha ha ha that was hilarious!

K no, don't be taking shots at my manga.

Okay, no, I don't agree with this ******* video. This video had potential, but you went too far when you said the manga uses too many cliches, and that the manga is shitty. What do you know about the manga? There's probably no better written manga out there, or one that appeals more to me. So **** you. Don't take shots at a good series. You make me angry.

And no, Hinata is valuable to the story, why do you have to take shots at characters now? What difference does it make to you? Does a character have to contribute DIRECTLY TO THE STORY IN EVERY WAY in order to be a valuable character? I think not. You have a bad representation of what it means to be the word "character".

K thank you. Don't take shots at my manga ever again. K thanks bye.