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Reviews for "Girlchan in Paradise Ep1"

Its like a bad degrassi rerun

IT never seems to end. You know? its like your half baked and you want "That 70's show" to come on, just so you can hear Red Forman make a "foot in ass" joke, but there's a damn degrassi marathon right before it, so you have to sit through what seems an eternity of high school drama to watch the damn show. The worst of it all is that when is done, you just wanna pass de fack out.
I love the art work and the animation. You have the right idea, but c'mon guys! Your execution, after a minute this piece gets obnoxiously annoying.
We get it, most anime has poor writting... dude... egh your feeding the flames... the gay flames


I thought it was stupid. The animation was great, but that's the only thing I liked about this. I didn't laugh once.


I was seriously expecting more, as you're an amazing animator, but this seriously disapointed me, as I always wanted to see a submission by you that wasn't videogame related, but this is something to cry for... in a bad way.
The animation wasn't THAT bad, but it was certainly worse than I expected. The lipsync was awful, the mouths just moved up and down, without making any sense with what the characters were saying. I know you might consider this just a joke, and that the little effort into it might be consider a part of the joke, but it turned out to be a big failure, it was actually painful to watch, and the fact that it is part of the joke doesn't redeem a poorly animated short, as it is preety easy to make a tweened ball going from a side of the screen to the other and say that it's just a joke, which makes me think that not even you took this seriously.
The jokes failed at making me laugh, they were all improvised, which would normally make me laugh, instead, it had me watching blankly at the screen thinking "Is this all Egoraptor can do?" they were just wacky voices and impoviced long names, which at first made me laugh, but it got repetitive as you made the same joke around three times.
I find it hard to see any difference at all between this and the Awesome series; same cartoony sense of humour, same parodical attitude, same everything! I was really expecting more than this, which instead of being a parody of a game, ended being a *drum roll* PARODY OF ANIME! HAZZOAH!!!1!

I really hope you learn from this and try to make something more:

I really wanted to see something better that this, I really wanted to like this, I really did, sorry...

shitty but cute

hey it was ok... konimaru was cute but other wise the only thing i like about it was the funny but it was pritty gay otherwise

Uuuh...I'm sorry but...

Egoraptor, I love you, man, but this...SUCKED...

I know I might get a lot of flak for saying that but...it's true.

I had to come up here after writing everything below and just say that I'm sorry it's so long.

I like your style of art and animation but, you can hardly call this animation; the only thing that was actually animated much at all was the mouths and no one stares at someone's mouth for that long. It was mostly just the same shots over and over again of people's faces, I got bored VERY quickly, and I couldn't even bring myself to hope for something funny to happen next. It was all the same kind of jokes over and over and over again, the ridiculously over-exaggerated Japanese names, the characters stumbling over words really badly, action anime cliches. It all got really old, really fast and I wasn't the least bit entertained or anything but bored, for that matter. I get it if you're making fun of crap like DB Z/GT but it feels like you're just submitting any half-baked, random, no-effort crap and using your physical artistic talents to make people go "ooh, ahh" over and letting your popularity, not your humor (which you've proven you have plenty of), make this a success. It's not funny (okay, maybe for about 5 seconds at the beginning), it's not a very good way to make fun of action cartoons, and I'm surprised people can't get over their desire to fit with what and who's popular by letting you know that this was just bad.

Jokes were lame, story's lame (so far), and the voice acting was pretty much the exact same stuff as your other pieces...which is lame. I watched this once before and I couldn't get through it for all the reasons above, but I decided to give it another chance and I just couldn't change my mind about it, sorry. Art's good, though as usual so I'll give you 3 stars for that, but minus one for selling out on your popularity.