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Reviews for "Artificial Junk"

Needs work, what song u use?

Great game, just needs work, I agree with "almighty-crammer".

Fix your game up a bit.

Also, whats the name of the song you used?



Ok I would have to say

Nice effort. You had an extraordinary idea going... but the game has its issues. Beginning with:

Upgrades: The upgrades are far too expensive than what little money the enemies were dropping. I understand if you were going for a longer game, but come on! I was stuck in one wave for a very long time because I couldn't get to the next one without some upgrades. If you're going to do a lot of upgrades, make 'em cheaper or make enemies drop more! The least you could do was rather than making it part by part, make an entire limb an upgrade. That and give us more satisfying upgrades... I don't want to feel like the upgrade didn't do anything at all! Also, begin the game with a whole body. Not a head. Too slow. WAY too slow.

Gameplay: You had it down. It was interesting, challenging and I have to say it was fun. Problem is, it was very buggy here and there... brought the score down a bit.

Loved the references, btw. All in all, good game, had its problems.


i like it very much...

I would have to agree with previous reviewers

It is a good game. But it isn't currently the best. Why? Here are some reasons:

1. It actually is quite annoying to start a game with no legs. [Moving an actual length of 1 inch actually took like, 3 secs.] I would suggest that you shouldn't make it that slow. [Though I appreciate your love for challenges. But I guess not all of your players would like it.]

2. It is quite glitchy. [Actually, more than just quite you know. ;) ] Better fix that next time.

3. In relation to the first problem, I suggest difficulty options. ;)

In contrary to these, Here are my praises to your game:

1. I like the graphics. Honestly, there are better flash games out there with superb graphics, but I feel the simplicity with the game. Actually, this game doesn't need flashy graphics: This is already good enough. ;) Keep it up.

2. Your concept was great. Upgrades + Shooting + Survival + Funky Pieces of Trash = Fun :D

3. It was still fun to play even with some issues with it.

Great game, but I hope you can improve on your future game submissions. ;)
Hope you take this positively. :)

pretty good

it's a great game but when you dont have legs than it gets rreally annoying. otherwise awesome game! :) :) :) :) :) :)