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Reviews for "Zeitgeist Addendum R:1"


I saw the documentary as well as you did... and i allso agree this is some amazing film i look forword to a better future and we can help it be so.
about the flash ver you made... i think you should do some thing more simple
cuz this is some really hard work you did there and not every thing is perfect.
I think ill be making a flash movie about this zeitgeist.. like what will happen after every one will see this film.
and about the comments here... well Gonzossm.....
you are really dumb.... christianity is bull shit as well as every thing else
the documentary film dosn't tells you to not belive in god, if you belive in god by the way of christianity it means you belive god by the way of politics
or in other words you belive in politics...
you can belive in god as a human... thats what the film sais



i thought you just ripped the movie and i was going to blow the whistle but you compleatly re-animated it. this is amazing!!

Brilliant Adaptation

When I saw this up, I thought it would pretty much be a recording playing within flash, but I was wrong, you clearly put a lot of effort into this.
There are a few bits that could be better, such as where you substituted that splashing effect for a spinning spiral, some bits would have looked better if blurred a bit, such as the eye open wide and the animation of krisnamurti, but your original graphics were superb.
I think this does enough justice to Peter's artwork and shows how good your own skills are.


very well animated,
and you managed to keep
the same interest in the film.
nice job.

i love all the zeitgeist documentaries,
personally the history of christianism
changed my mind completely.

Good Animation. but...

I've seen Zeitgeist Addendum (ZA) in its entirety. And I feel it is my obligation to warn people of certain dangers this film produces.
The film ZA attacks Christianity in a way that can give Government massive amount of power. The Declaration of Independance declares "that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable
Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

Unalienable_adj: Not to be separated, given away, or taken away.

I ask you, if our Creator/God does not exist or give us rights, then who does? Government. And the saying goes...
"That a government big enough to give you everything you want, is a government big enough to take from you everything you have."
~Gerald Ford

And how many times have we seen on the news, newspapers, or online about an agency arresting some one for victimless crimes, the Waco TX siege, Ruby Ridge ID siege, possessing a sawed-off-shotgun, smoking weed, driving without a license, The Patriot Act which completely voids the 4th Amendment of the Bill of Rights.

Please, I only ask fellow ZA Newgrounds members to question the logic behind the later parts of ZA.