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Reviews for "Bedtime."


This warmed me right up and made me smile. Thanks man.

Wow man. Bringin' some tenderness to NG. DIG!

The animation was great, The objects materialized in very creative ways, and I liked how it was all kinda in squiggle-vision. It seemed to make everything more...alive. It had a cozy, warm feeling, and it felt good to watch, partly because of the music (it went very well with the animation by the way)...And when the guy came in, it kinda changed the mood. It got melancholy when the guy got in bed. He curled up kinda like he was sad, like he was lying sideways across the bed to fill up the spot that the other person should've been lying in. It was touching. And it hit very close to home for me, because I know how that feels. And I might be wrong, but I feel as if this animation is something very personal to you, and I'm glad you were brave enough to share it with everyone knowing that most people wouldn't get it or they would wish it had violence or a story-line. Thank you for this.

AND TO ALL WHO SHUNNED THIS WONDERFUL ANIMATION DUE TO ITS SIMPLE CONTENT: This came from someplace deeper in the heart than most animations on ANY medium and submitted on ANY website. It's unfair for you people to give it bad ratings just because it was short and had no plot. It's art. It doesn't follow the guidelines, and it shouldn't have to. And to those who say it has no point (Kyothine), I say you only watched it with your eyes.

10/10 and 5/5


Aww... simple yet heartfelt. I LOVE it!!!


Nothing special. It wasn't touching at all, and the whole "jiggling lines" style was irritating to watch. There was also no point to the whole movie. I understand that this started as a doodle, but please make it have more substance next time.


I seldom donĀ“t find myself wreathed this manner of circumstance as of late, all I ask is for a warm body to cling to in chill evenings.....

Now, to the point, animation itself I found to be fluid and pleasant to watch, music is tranquil and suits the mood, there is not much that this short would leave us to be wanting, it is well done.