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Reviews for "Apocalypse: The Game"

you restored my faith in newgrounds

anyone whos been watching the frontpage can see that its not what it used to be game-wise, i hope i see this on the frontpage soon because it really belongs up there. this is the most entertaining flash game ive played in a long time

Lots of fun! :)

My two cents...The difficulty rating dropped sharply after upgrading abilities. By the end, spamming aoes such as storm bolt was ridiculous since it could go on forever due to the short recharge time(boltmaster increases both the power and number of hits in storm bolt...too good). But it typically took many upgrades before the difference was noticeable. Maybe offering fewer upgrades that are more expensive but give a stronger boost would help deal with this. A few more different flying enemies would be great since land mine fields can tear up everything on the ground. Also having some other special enemies such as healers or bosses would make the game even more interesting.

Overall, this was a great game. I can't remember the last time I spent this long playing a flash game.

This game is awesome!

Graphics could be a little better, but the customization and goals are very addicting to me, and I love the mechanics! You both did a very good job!


you play WoW dont you? XD
great all the same


Really addicting, great skill tree, etc, etc. A couple of things, though. First, I saw someone mention polish--I don't know if he was talking about graphics or what, but if he was, then I'd have to disagree. Granted, it's not the most stunning game out there, but that doesn't change the fact that it's fun and it looks decent. I did, however, run into a "polish" problem of my own: during some levels, I couldn't use the fireball ability or the "allegiance" ball (don't remember what it's called) ability. I could use lighting just fine, but I hadn't maxed their cooldown, so I ended up getting a bit screwed. Whenever it froze up, the attack animation appeared in the top left corner of the screen. I was playing in pop-up mode, so that might make a difference, but I thought you should know.

Other than that, like I said, you have a really addictive, fun game here. Sure, it's not exactly artistically brilliant, but it's a ton of fun to play and definitely looks good.