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Reviews for "Rising Sun"

Could be a track from the old School Ninja Gaiden if you think about badass ninjas. Or maybe even from the old Shinobi games. But alas, let's talk your track!

Simple, easy to listen, the only quips I have is that this isn't as improvised as you normally have your tracks. I can usually see some type of change up or something that doesn't make it feel too generic. I know you have that slow moment section and that weird standoff section, but it's kinda just there. Perhaps it's just me though but while this is another track for the books, it's nothing that I'd write the to the internets about.

Do like that it loops fine without much of a feeling like the track is reseting though. Not perfect, but you got things still going for you. Maybe just give it a bit more life in what's happening. Or perhaps as with most tracks that are original, give a bit of backstory. You mentioned a badass ninja but what's his story to motivate us to visualize this epic (possibly cyber from all the metal) ninja doing all this crazy shit.


NemesisTheory responds:

Man, I'd totally like to see this in Ninja Gaiden, but then I'd have used a lot more Taiko drums and less DNB haha.

It was going to be for the normal/recurring battle theme, so I didn't put crazy amounts of variations into it. I didn't want to put myself (or the game XD) in a position where the boss tracks didn't feel as intense as the song you hear all the time. It needed to blend in, but still sound pretty cool, you know? The boss tracks were pretty crazy. I'll probably upload those too. ;)

That's the problem with music I make for games, it's gotta fit a certain standard and often not be completely crazy. With normal music I make for people to listen to (on repeat or whatever) I can go all out and put as much into it as I can. ;o

But really, thanks for the review! <3
Glad you liked it. :D

Love ur video game songs always wanted to make but never got the right synth going

Not too little going on, but at the same time, not too much.

It's not empty, and it's also not overpowering.

I'll be honest, I loved it. and It would belong in a video game.

I'd love to know what softwares and stuff you used to make it. ^_^

Very good. Great bass and a nice little beat going on, kinda feels like you are cought in the middle of an epic battle that could end or save the world depending on whether you win or lose.

Hey can I use the loopable mix for a game I'm working on, I promise to give credit.