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Reviews for "Z-Wars"

i agree

i agree with evry1 else. how did this make the front page. there is no twist and is just a usual TD game. 3/10 1/5

You are competing against high quality tower games

Is there a way to turn off the annoying music? That should be the first thing that is readily available to the user.
And things (towers, rockets) need to be less ambiguous. Work on the graphics.

twistedduck responds:

Press m and n whilst in game to turn off the music and sfx whilst in game.

Wasnt very good

i admit being able to make your own path for them to go in is pretty cool, but you did the idea badly. To acually make them take a certain path you have to waste lots of money, and then you have no money for towers so you are screwed. Other than that part, this game is basicly the same as all the other TDs out there, and there are many more better than this one.

good, bad and just plain awfull!

good: pretty simple nice graphics, basic-original gameplay, ability to move turrets is a good idea and should be kept.
bad: mentioning turrets that arnt available, only 1 effect turret, enemies seemed to just change in type 5 times then go back to the first but stronger
awful: turrets were way to samey (more different graphics for each (better shapes etc) (poison turret had a nice design tho)), turrets didnt do enough damage and upgrades were useless as most downgraded in reload!!!!(sorry but that was a real epic fail), not enough turrets really...., no sandbox!!!!!!!! (free play for those who dont know) and no actual maps really made this look bad.

personal: this game looks like it has been rushed pretty badly with a real lack of thought but its got sooooo much potencial to being an amazing tower defence game! wat ever u do, dont start over just adapt it to wat any other tower defence game has and add a good few big and litlle extras to make it stand out above the other games.

twistedduck responds:

The only tower which downgrades in reload is the zap tower, and this is compensated with a large increase in damage.

That may be the worst td ive ever played

Now, im not going to be a jerk, and im gonna give you a few tips.
1. if possible, get some other music in there. that songs pretty kewl, but it get repetitive and really annoying.
2. more lives would be helpful.
3. try to get better graphics. maybe add in some other models for the tanks.

like i said, not really the best.