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Reviews for "Get Off My Planet"

Hmm something new

quite easy ,
yet quite fun but way too easy, it took a while to find the send wave button
so you should remember to put where and what in the instructions.
Then again its quite a new kind of style, where you can choose your own spot of the city.This is the first game i played which lets you build buildings that does not
damage to enemies.


Although it is sometimes hard to get by in this game due to a lack of money or power supply, it is quite entertaining, when you know what you're doing. The only thing that makes me wince and squint are two waves of enemies, somewhere around the 50th. I think, more precisely, that they are the 49th and the 51st.

Enemies spawn all around the planet, and just, well, raep the planet. Sucks away all the power supply avaible within five seconds, and it even (on the 51st wave) makes the game crash when one single ship touches the city. Maybe it's intended to be that way, I have no idea. But it's a block to the fun.

Awesome game

Kinda of hard and when i restarted wouldnt let me place a city?


I really liked this game a lot, and i played it at least fifteen times. I loved the concept of terraforming a planet, and thought a couple more types of planet would have been cool to. Maybe an ice planet might slow down incoming enemies and draw out the period between waves, or a planet with a protective atmosphere by causing damage over time to incoming enemies with a damage bonus to military.

The only complaint i had was that the easy mode was too easy and the normal mode was a little too hard to be normal. I was either sitting on my hands with nothing to do, or i couldn't come up with a strategy to survive some of the waves with a small number of hardhitting ships. A little more time between waves on normal would make it a lot more reasonable.

I enjoyed teh gmae but the oonly thing was...

Say i was going to restart a few times lol, and i did restart... I would get to the point to place my first building and then i wouldnt be ale to place it... so i cant select it or anything lol