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Reviews for "Once at the Lesson"


I used to do the same thing back in school. Just that we didn't have any actionscript back then. :) We made flip-books instead. :)


a little weird, with the sound effects but had a little fun with it great work
and i used to do that too well sorta


lol this is exactly what i do when im bored at school.
good flash:)

This was pretty good

I liked it because it was simple, neat animation.
Well thought out and clearly reaches many different people.

I wish I was able to do something of this magnitude from the time I wasted in classes but unlike most people I didn't draw, I attempted to pay attention. But all I remember from two years of chemistry is how to do pen tricks.

Good animation, I liked it, perchance next time something a bit longer if you have time, or like someone else said a different setting. But then again that was one of the interesting things all the different possibilities for one scenario.

Look forward to seeing more from you soon

PS I think it's awesome that you are reading all these reviews, which i have assumed from you commenting on several more recent ones in a long list.

trul responds:

thank u for detailed review.
I think it is important to get feedback from viewers, it helps to look on familiar things from the new point of view.

I wish I was able to do something like this at my school years, but at that I wasn't familiar with computer animation, it was early 90s ))
There were much more ideas than now... maybe I'm just to critical now.

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trul responds:

o kakaya vstrecha )))
tol'ko k sozhaleniyu NG ne podderjivaet kirilicu i vishli lish' procenti i cifri.
Pishi latinicei.