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Reviews for "Tae Kwon Do"

Ah yes, the art of Tae Kwon Do

Don't mind that mattybig dumbass. There actually are purple and brown belts, here in America. Giving a movie a low grade just cause thinking that the guy made a mistake isn't a good reason. Even if he did make a mistake and that there really never was a brown or purple belt, it still ain't a reason why to give a low grade. I did like this movie cause of 3 things.
1. I actually take Tae Kwon Do myself. I'm a 1st Dan black belt.
2. I like watching martial art movies and demos.
3. Seeing someone likeing Tae Kwon Do so much that they would actually make a flash movie.
All that and the fact that I'm actually half Korean....but that's got nothing to do with anything.


It too study many different kinds of martial arts. You should check out my profile or even join my clan devoted to martial arts here on new grounds. Its the NG ninjas we ahve a great web site check it out
this should make a link- <a href="http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic.php?id=92349&page =1">NG ninjas</a>

heres a link to my site hopefully: http://avidgamers.com/NGninjas/index.php

Tae Kwondo

By the way, tae kwondo is not a martial art, and it has not been around for centuries. its a korean sport, but nice home vid anyway :)

Bah dum bal!!!!!!!!

I'm in tae kwon do as well. I'm a 3rd degree red, going on provisional black belt

(our belts go as follows, white, yellow, 2nd yellow, green, blue, brown, 2nd brown, red, 2nd red, 3rd red, provisional black, black)

This isnt bad... I bet your loads better now. I know I am since when I was an orange belt(which is now being replaced by 2nd yellow)

Either way, TKD F'life, sucka! ^^


I'm a orange belt. Try making the screen bigger, pretty entertaining stuff.