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Reviews for "Raid Gaza!"

Heh, pretty fun.

Pretty funny too. Good looking graphics and effects. Too bad some people take everything way too seriously with their pretentious mindset.

lol @ badscipio

Newgrounds has always been about stupid random crap that's most likely offensive and pointless. This isn't a highly sophisticated news blog. Lighten up.


As a game, of course, it has no value whatsoever. It's purely a political commentary; a simplistic and naive one.

I'm sure the author regards it as bitingly cynical, rubbing our noses in the 'ugly reality' of it all, but I seriously doubt that anyone who has been directly affected by the events used as context for the game (on either side) would appreciate the 'message' here. I say this not because I have any 'moral' problem with the game, but because the author clearly thinks he's making some kind of profound point about the immorality of the events in question.

I love politics and I love games. You've mixed the two together and made something useless in both categories.

But if putting this out makes you feel 'hard,' like you can laugh about how f**ked up the world is from the comfort of your desk, or, even worse, like you've done some sort of service for goodness and 'justice' by voicing your 'protest,' then enjoy yourself I guess.

I'd rather play something that's actually fun and not feel like I'm being given a sanctimonious lecture by someone who learned about the conflict watching CNN, slurping down jolt and munching doritos on his parents couch. (Maybe totally inaccurate, but that's the image that comes to mind when I play the game)

Wish you would do us a favor and leave politics alone. Not everybody, just you.

raidgaza responds:

Wow, that's insulting. Good job internet man! I guess that must make you feel really "hard" behind the comfort of your desk, that you dare hurl random insults at somebody over the internet. Also, I'd like to state that your review also was "cute", because apparently that's a really intelligent way of belittling you in a way that's also very likely to irritate you.

That said, I think your insults are far too generic to make me feel discomforted about the game (although clearly insulted enough to reply). You call it "naive" but you don't spell out what's so naive about it. I don't think I'm "making some kind of profound point about the immorality of the events in question" - I'm making the same protest a lot of other people are doing - that the violence is disproportionate. Like the U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights, for example.

The assumptions you make about me only tell me that you are intellectually dishonest, or stupid. If I've bothered to read Haaretz and UN reports, why would you think I learned about the conflict through watching CNN? That you don't even for a second consider that I might not even be American only demonstrates how limited your imagination is, I suppose.

See, I managed to hurl some insults right back at you. I guess that's the response you were hoping for?


i think it's quite a nice game overall with a little bit of cynicism and personal belief injected into it.

as for the game, it was fun.

as for the commentary, it was fun too. hey, we're entitled to freedom of speech,

and who would say no to killing a bunch of terrorists?

minus the fact that they are spread out among the innocent population...

oh wellz, overall, a fun game and fun message!

politically incorrect

it was a good game but i disagree with your view.
lets do a comparison to other countries that have been attacked by rockets like Israel :
Britain by Germany in world war 2 they carpet bombed Germany for it.
and my favorite US got bombed by japan and the US retaliated by Nuking two of there major cities
we Know Israel has the power to do this sort of attack but they don't so i'm guessing there goal is not to kill as many as possible they are try to defend themselves and save as much as possible sadly no one takes these into consideration and games like yours are created from the lack of knowledge and understanding

raidgaza responds:

Those comparisons are completely unfair, and for the record, it's not like the carpet bombings of Dresden or the atomic bombs over Hiroshima and Nagasaki aren't debated.

I was kinda happy I sucked at this.

The gameplay is fine, and the graphics fit, but the message works out perfectly. I felt like I was getting a good score, which was NOT what I wanted to feel, when I finished up and heard I got a crud score. That, uh, both raised AND lowered my self-esteem. Not an awesome feeling.

Anyway, I rarely find a game that comments on politics so well. Hope to see more from ya!

Oh, I also saw this from Kotaku, just so you know. :D