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Reviews for "DUCK SIM 2008"


This is amazing.

"Little duck, when is our day?"

My interpretation of this abstract presentation follows along the lines of a stagnant present.
Simplicity in a brightly colored pond. A duck, dipping it's head in the water and pulling it back out. Over and over again this repeats. The player continues this repetitive cycle in expectation of something to happen. Is there a reward? Is there a point? The expression on the ducks face is that of determination in a sort; as if he is doing something great or getting somewhere. No matter how many times he dips his head in the water, he still feels like he is accomplishing something, but the player realizes that nothing is being accomplished.
The entire scene displays a mood of blissful submission to an impossible world. Just dip, and remove, dip, and remove.
Can this last forever? Maybe something will happen if the duck continues to dip and remove his head from the water. Maybe something does happen if his head is under the water for too long, but will anyone ever know?
Keep dipping that head, keep holding it underwater. Soon you will give up, but how do you know that the next dip of the head or another second under water won't bring something new? At what point does one give up?
This comes back to the scene and the ducks expression; it does not matter, there is nothing else, might as well.
When can something great happen? An adventure like we all expected?
When is out day little duck? The player begins to feel for the duck, the player UNDERSTANDS the duck. When you close the window, do you feel bad? You left the duck alone in his unstimulated world, too selfish to keep trying.
This proves that people can only continue to try if they know that there is a possible outcome. Expecting an outcome only goes so far until experience shows otherwise. Without hope for the future, you would abandon the duck; stop trying to help. Imagine his sad teary face after you close that browser... isn't that enough to keep you trying? It is for me. I am keeping that pop-up up until i can figure out how to free that duck from his poorly rendered world.
I stand by the duck... Oh little duck, when is our day? (title for song by ambient artist Kettel)

lol and roflmao

I wanted to vote 8, but since this idiot with no sense of humour a little down has shown me how great this wonderful piece of interactive experience is, I'll vote 10!

And it's also a duck, I mean, WOW!

You saved my life!

Sir, I was planning on killing myself until this glorious game came across the front page one day. Playing this "Interactive Experience" changed my outlook on life and you have given me a whole new chance at life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank You! :3


It takes some time to get into, but after a few seconds...you get hooked. If you think it's just what it is, you're an ignorant, ignorant person.