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Reviews for "Spider-Powers For XMas 2"

no part 3 yet?

as i said no part 3 yet? its been over a year wheres part 3 :(


There are a lot of good things to be said about the final package and I commend you for finishing such a big project. It was very entertaining, but not flawless.

Behind any musical cartoon thing, the music is a large driving factor behind the piece. And whilst the main song is pretty catchy, I think even as a musical, there were way too many musical items. The music should come with purpose after a character is inspired by a scene of dialogue (musicals never make that much sense anyway), but what was in this flash were way too many songs.

I think there are some songs that could have just been dialogue, or there were some parts that just needed a break between songs. The elf himself comments that it's too soon between songs when he comes into the bedroom - it's true. Pacing, pacing, pacing. If you ever write another musical or do continue this project please give the listener's ears a bit of a break between songs: it just really seemed like there were way too many songs than needed. A musical does not mean an entire story filled with music.

The singing certainly improved from the first one but it's still out of tune quite often. I do commend you for having the bravery to post your own voice up because it takes some balls, but because you've got so many musical items one after another, you just have to nail it. There is a youthful innocence in the slightly out singing, but having to endure this for so long makes it more cringeworthy than cute. And I'd imagine this is probably the biggest problem for the people who didn't like this flash.

The songwriting manages to stay relatively fresh throughout, and there's clearly a display of musical prowess in the songs, but once again, there just needs to be more non-musical space for the listener's ears to rest, especially because of the quality of the voice. I think there was probably way too much air time dedicated to singing about spider powers. We get it, yeah.

The script was well written and there were some great gags in there. I loved the Tim Allen/Jason Statham bits. I think length might have prevented me from enjoying it a bit more. I believe it could be refined by a few minutes, and a refined, smooth script makes it a much more enjoyable package.

The animation was quite good. Obviously there is room for improvement on the drawing style: some of it was well drawn, with nice shadowy things, but there were points where there wasn't really a union between the foreground and the background, for example the first scene with the sleigh... the lines on the sleigh felt out of place with the effect-filled background. When the elf and parker were standing on the bed, there were some things with lines, and some things without. It's decent drawing but there's often not a visual blend throughout every scene. But a lot of things were very nicely drawn.

The lip sync was well done, the JPG cut-outs were well done. I was disappointed with the lack of a walk cycle. Every other limb of the body seems to be moving properly so please just animate the feet. Just a little nitpick there.

Overall I was quite entertained and impressed by the work that was put into the package. There's some things that can be done for you to become a better animator and I hope we can see more from you.


This is the only flash that i have been looking forward to all year.


the time is near! its almost here!should i fear? i dont care its one of the most buetiful flashes iv seen all year!!


It's really great, a good story, good songs, I can't wait for this year's new Spider-Powers for X-mas :).