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Reviews for "A Pwanchi Christmas"

The voices need fixing.

Once again, for the effort I saw, I gave you a 5/5.

But like I've said in previous flashes you have done, the biggest problem with this flash is the voice acting. Like a lot of it sounds very weak, forced, sometimes obnoxious, and then the mics give out a lot with puffs and hisses. The voice actors for Zelda, Fisher and Lambert were the only exceptions, because all three of them sounded actually very good. But checking the profiles, it showed the main reason was because they weren't voiced by the same people for the other flashes.

I just think, if you want to really boost the quality of your future flashes, you need to save face and find more voice actors like them to go in your flashes.

I understand that you made the flash, and you're going to want to voice in it for obvious reasons, I get that, but I mean you got to look at it from a professional stand point. You put effort and work into the flash, and the voice acting is a crucial part of the project. If you're going to put the time and effort into the flashes animation, you might as well do the same with the voice acting and just find better ones to do it. Because otherwise the bad sound quality will just bring it down.

So my biggest gripe, you have two decent voice actors in this, Rina-Chan and BigK, while the rest of the voices sound bad. I strongly urge you to get in contact with more voice actors to do the other character roles, because their professionalism will only strengthen your already strong animating styles.

Now, as for the flash itself. I'm always a fan of Christmas musicals, the mall scene especially was my favorite. So I liked the premise, but there was some serious chopping problems on the twelve days of Christmas, Zelda sang completely off key from the rest of the song, even if she sang it rather well, and Lambert just sounded ridiculous, because his lines sounded so cut up. I would have suggested BigK just redo that line all together if it was too long or off key, because trying to chop it to fit with time, really made him sound bad.

But overall, I liked your premise, I thought the rewind, pause, fast forward buttons helped a lot, your profiles were pretty cool, the songs were clever, and I really liked the way this ended with everyone joining together then cueing to credits. So well done.

I just hope something is done about the voice acting. Because like I said, it's understandable to want to voice in a project since you made it, but you should always think, "will this voice fit the character? Or am I just voicing him because I want to?"

cyotecody555 responds:

Well we actually are going to get voice actors for our next project, every character will have a good voice actor, although for some of these character's voice that are in this flash we will not change, like maybe Cody, Logan, Ryan, cus they're supposed to sound like that so yeah...........

Getting all the voices to fit the music was very hard, especially because BigK and Rina-Chan aren't here to here what Tempo the song is, and even us had trouble during the 12 days, although chainsaw sang his song while listening to the music so that was pretty much in time

But yeah this was a very nice review :)


Zelda's voice makes me horny though

one question

what is a pwanchi

cyotecody555 responds:

No clue lol
It's our face/logo =D
Where we got the name I don't know haha

i dont get it.

it was funny but only the billy dolls and the stolen cupcakes.


I'm being generous, because I believe you have learned from your mistakes in some ways. For example, at least you didn't claim they were your characters this time around. Even so, it doesn't say much for your originality to base everything around games and films that other people already came up with. I understand parody and all, but you guys do have potential. More than I do. That's why I feel I little dissapointed in your flash when I think about what you could be doing with your own characters, story and series.

But then again, one of the co-authors still reviewed it like last time. This still looks stupid, but his review is at least better this time and not as pathetic sounding.

And the flash? I like the idea, to tell the truth. Animation is crinkly but decent and sound is good. The opening scene where you discussed ideas was completely lame and forced, as was the Zelda song and Saw song. The twelve days of Christmas was probably the highlight, but I couldn't watch it all the way through.

However, I did like the character profiles. Before viewing this flash, I'd only ever seen the melon trap flash. So it was good to be able to at least know a bit about these characters.

And congratulations on resisting the urge to advertise this on the BBS. That was very manly of you all.

Finally, I'd like to say that this is a pretty good flash. It's just not my taste or humour. But you've caught my eye, so in 2009 I'll probably keep in touch with what you submit. I wholeheartadly hope to see some orignal content from you in the close future. Good luck.

PS I might even parody this Pwanchi stuff. You should feel honoured.

cyotecody555 responds:

Ok at least this review is alot more constructive this time

I actually did say in the author's comments last time "This flash includes every character we have created, parodied, made fun of and shit", I did mention that this includes characters that we have parodied so yeah what you said is false
And lots of people do parodies of games, movies etc
I like parodying, I do hope to make some more original flashes and ideas like "A Pwanchi Halloween" but I just don't have any at the moment, so I'm parodying stuff
Well actually, Our stories we come up with for these Parodied characters is original, like the Golden Apple, Stolen Cupcake etc
Just to point it out

wwerappin's review is left towards me, all he did in this flash is voices, so he left a review on what he thought of how it turned out