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Reviews for "Sketched-Merry Sketchmas"

A hilarious laid back comedy on the darker side

Dude this is sheer comedy gold, the whole "Lets just go slit santa's throat" theme is hilarious when portrayed this way. The animation is solid enough as well to keep me entertained, so you've done well!

sirjeffofshort responds:

I think it's always fun to try and turn a concept on its side, such as having two people discuss a murder plot with such a serious yet nonchalant manor. Thanks for the review.


nothing too new or interesting.

sirjeffofshort responds:

... as is your review. I'm sorry, I'm not going to knock you for having an opinion, and I certainly wouldn't knock you for disliking our short, but you can't tell us anything more than the exact text written by newgrounds corresponding to the numerical score you gave us?

At the very least some details would be nice, a little constructive criticizim. "I found 'nothing too new' out because I have seen the insane elves plotting to kill santa in such and such a show or cartoon" or "I didn't find it interesting because I have a better time relating to such and such a subject." It is reviews like that, things that express your opinons and back them up in a positive yet helpful manor that make you stand out as a rational and constructive member of society rather than an angst ridden youth looking to make a social pariah of himself by dumping on other people's hard work.

I am honestly trying to help you here, because until you are able to express your oppinion in a well spoken and reasoned manor, it will most likely be considered worthless by anyone to whom you express it.


Man this was awesome. The first flash on NG for about a month where I laughed the whole way through. Well done, great jokes and great voice acting. And again, great jokes! Also, the animation was good! I'm glad it was pretty long too, thanks, keep it up!

sirjeffofshort responds:

Thanks. We will keep pumping them out as strong as we can, so keep an eye out for more Sketched on NG.


but it could have been better with out swear words

sirjeffofshort responds:

A double edged sword when you are dealing with improvisation (which is what portions of this skit were) is that often times the actors will slip in common colloquialisims that you often wouldn't see in everyday writing. I like to add this into my cartoons because it gives the dialogue a conversational flow rather than a ridgid and scripted feel, however the problem with that is that often times foul language can slip in there when an actor doesn't know what else to say. I always do my best to eliminate all swears as I think they make the speaker come off as ignorant (unless the character is SUPPOSED to be ignorant), however I think one or two if placed properly can actually enhance what a character is feeling. For instance I personally don't know a single adult whom, upon burning himself with a saudering iron, would screech anything milder than the word damn, I would actually expect it to go much farther.

In consideration for our younger viewers however, I have upped the language content warning as I do completely understand the viewpoint from which they are coming. Please don't feel as if I am trying to rip into anyone who expresses their oppinion on our sketches, I appreciate every one of our viewers and reviewers, I just think it is important for everyone to listen to and respect all sides of an issue, and only then can a viable solution be found.


i got 5 letters for your sir L.M.F.A.O