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Reviews for "Fear Unlimited Arena"

Devil may cry 3...

Its same as devil may cry 3...

Anyway, I dont like the Jumps, the attacks and the gun shooting. But I think everything else is fine.

Are you slipping?

I LOVED Fear Unlimited. for a solid year of high school (my senior year) I played it through many many times.

2+ years later it seems you took a big step back. has this game been sitting around for a while? the combat is completely impossible. i just spammed d which made the enemy a cakewalk, but it still took close to 2 minutes to kill it. when 2 enemies appeared, i just hovered in the air and nailed them with the shotgun, abusing spamming to make it reload faster.

after sitting in the air for a bit raining death, with only a "pain" animation to show for it for a a few minutes, i realized i wasn't having any fun, and closed the window.

come on, man, use real difficulty instead of just raising your enemies' health to godly levels. i loved the mutant idea in the first game, it was a suprise the first time their chest erupted at me, a la Alien. I was too bored to tears in the first minute to see if you had any suprises

The animations are really neat, and the engine is actually really fun, glitches and all. they give it a charm and make you feel cool for being able to shoot the gun 10 times a second or slice an enemy countless times in the blink of an eye by holding certain keys (i remember doing both of these in the first game)but they have so much health that even cheating is not gonna help you get through a level in less than 10-15 minutes.

all im sayin is: give the enemies (A LOT) less health, then add more enemies. that way, you can feel like you're accomplishing something by slaying hordes of baddies and if you mess up you'll get your ass handed to you quickly.


Had same problems as others, but I noticed if you get an enemy up in the air and just spam the sword attack, it's really easy to kill them. Defeated bosses easily just by jumping behind them when they're near a wall and spamming the sword attack. Once they start blocking, you can finish the last bit of health with your gun. Rather cheap attack strategy and glitch.


i have the strange urge to play devil may cray and i dont no y, gd game!

Stupid people, it says its a tribute.

Pretty good, a little difficult but it lasted me for a good 15 minutes. I love hack and slashes like DMC so I give it some credit. I know its supposed to be just like the game because its a tribute, but adding your own unique style of fighting would make the game more interesting, hell maybe even a bullet time mode or something, as a sort of unlockable if its not already (I didnt play all the way through)
So I'll give it a 4/5. Good Job!