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Reviews for "Gher 2"


Geert Wilders viel mij inderdaad ook meteen op. Wel een grappig filmpje verder (:

aap responds:

Best mooi, alle Nederlanders zien onze favoriete politici meteen. Leve onze Geert! *ahum*

Dankjewel. :)


Seriously, front page?

And you just had to put yourself in the end as well.

Well, just like pretty much the rest of the class, I find it too silly for a frontpage thing, but you can't beat the rest of the internet.

Ugh, I should get myself to working on an animation sometime.

Seeya in class.

aap responds:

The rest of the class? Speak for yourself.

I didn't really had to put myself in. It picks a random face everytime you watch it.

Yeah, you should totally make an animation, I'm sure it would be better then this!

Thanks for the review anyway!

Confused :S

I didnt really get this all that well to be honest, ill give you the 7 for animation and such that was decent.


Funny but very weird. The dancing was smooth and made me laugh.. kind of in the WHAT THE HELL!? kind of way. It depends on its predeccessor, as i had no idea what was going on. Quite funny though. Improve on telling the story a little more


I'm not gonna lie that was catchy... and I can see why it got front page status...

The animation was decent, the musics was catchy and flowed well with the animation, other than that it was decent I guess. Really catchy though...