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Reviews for "Hands of War RPG"

Great Game

It was fun, captured all of the "old skool" elements of RPG games. I'm sure by now you have heard by several people that the game is very repetitive. After lvl 12 the game is the same thing over and over again. I'm looking foreward to the next instalment.

ranged kiting ftw

really fun game havent played warrior however ranged kiting seems to b all u need to do to beat the game. and for those that dont know kiting is slowing down ur atker with a skill (ie frozen shot) running firing off a few more shots and then repeat as needed so your char doesnt get hit...learn to do that and u can easily take out npcs 5+ lvls higher than u until their faction turns kill on sight then it gets a bit trickyer but ne how fun game maybe add some more char customization :)

nice game

very good game i stopped when i was lvl 30 and had some very good items, but it would be better if there were more quests... since lvl about 22 i have killed to get reputation and xp and that was very boring, i got ally with warrier thing and then i couldnt hold it out more >P 9/10


Beat it with the Wizard which I just assumed would be the most fun class, they usually are. Maybe i'll try a Ranger with a different alliance sometime.

It was damn good overall but 2 gripes:

The 3rd cave monster was waaaay too easy. I went in there with a bunch of saved attribute points thinking I might have to up my run speed if the monster owns me. Nope I just sat there spamming fireballs. If you wanted to make it tougher I'd suggest either make the guys ranged attack more damaging or rapid, and instead of respawning an easily avoidable stationary bat spawn it ready to attack so I'm forced to kill it or run.

And the grind I had to do to get allied with the 3 factions was pretty damn boring.


well good

this is an amazing rpg really fun and addicting allow i did i think that the walking pace was a bit slow there should be some way to get around faster eg teleporting and there was very little difference in the quests.