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Reviews for "Toshiro - The Fly"


Awesome flash, dude. If you haven't even considered doing a sequel, then what's wrong with you? lol. I realize that you did this for a film festival at your school. Did you win? Come in second? What happened? Anyways, I think you should've gotten daily first. But I forgot what ACTUALLY got first on 11/19. Do you know? 'cause I don't. lol. Anyways, I loved the angling of some shots, and the focusing of the ca,era was great. The intro was ALMOST losing me, but once the ninja got up, I was sucked in. It was a fantastic idea to have the ninja save the bank without realizing it, and the little paragraph as he was jumping out the window helps you understand the story a little better. Also loved when the fly ranted about him getting all the credit only to be supposedly stepped on and then, viola! We have a cliffhanger ehich might lead to a sequel. (hint, hint) Another thing that I thought was innovative was the ninja guidelines, although around then I wasn't quite too sure what was going on, but that was because I couldn't hear the guy. That wasn't your fault, I just had my volume down. Anyways, I really, really, really, REALLY loved this flash and I hope that you can do a sequel.

Animation-10-unique camera angles, fluid animation
Characters-10-all characters were unique and classic.
Concept-10-I don't get THIS ticked off at flies, lol. Nice idea.
Overall-10-Hilarious and innovative.


Some parts were REALLY funny!
You spent way too much time building up the bank scene.
NOT a let down for 9mb.
And you used some of the screams from Tiberian Sun! Good job!

Oh my god 0.0

This is really good... All that for a single fly? 0.0 Besides keep up the good work.


SPECTACULAR I loved it so much I think I'll watch it again


very well done i give you two thumbs up and 9/10 stars man that was pretty good i look forward to seeing more of your animations