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Reviews for "Sanctuary"

Man this is some epic music. Plz make more but try not to make them so long next time.

Step responds:

Thanks for the review. I can't really say not to make long songs though since if I'm making a song which I think will be four minutes long and I end it after three minutes, it's like forcing myself to cut it short and it won't come out that well.

Anyhow I do have shorter songs like Legend and Journey to the Afterlife if you're interested :P.

Thanks again.

I almost feel like it transitions too quickly between moods/tempos/feels. I guess I just want a 15 minute version is all! Delightful attention to detail, and packed with contrast, which is the meaning of life.

Step responds:

Haha xD. Well, you're not the first to think that it doesn't stay long enough in each mood/section. Even I think that!

Thanks for reviewing.

i like it

Step responds:

That's good to hear!

Thank you.

Loved how this told such a dynamic story of trying to find safety despite all the dangers they kept encountering at each one that went to, it was almost always an adventure that they had to keep trying to survive and no matter what, never giving up either to find a place they could call home or sanctuary. And reading the description.... 49 instruments?! That's a lot of patience and I still have demo and usually just stop after trying to get a bass rhythm to go with the drum set up which seems to overpower the bass or synth for some reason.

The drums here have a nice little feeling to them and give that truly dynamic feel of never truly being alone and always having to hunt for a new place to stay. No matter what, something is likely there trying to get them. However a lack of drums at the end gives that feeling that they did find a place of peace and that they may finally be able to rest for once and stop having to look for a place they can rest in safety. Wonderful way to end it.

The harp reminded me a lot of Final Fantasy VIII when going to where the minotaur brothers were for some reason. The bass felt kind of like a bass guitar but it was a cello instead right? Very nice on the ears to listen to. Can just picture a whole orchestra actually playing the song actually.

The violins give that feeling of constant peace and strangely make me think of Kingdom Hearts credit music too, cool I suppose. The trombones, trumpets, and others of those sort make this song truly a joy to listen to and very nice on the ears as well.

Overall, lovely to hear how this one turned out, excellent work, looking forward to more!!

Step responds:

Wow man, thanks for the long review!

"Loved how this told such a dynamic story of trying to find safety despite all the dangers they kept encountering at each one that went to, it was almost always an adventure that they had to keep trying to survive and no matter what, never giving up either to find a place they could call home or sanctuary."

Haha yeah that's pretty much what I had in mind. Although the scene I initially had in my head was one person desperately searching for a sanctuary rather than a whole group, but whatever :P.

"And reading the description.... 49 instruments?! That's a lot of patience"

Well, my CPU had to certainly be patient with me. It was a pretty insane project file!

"and I still have demo and usually just stop after trying to get a bass rhythm to go with the drum set up which seems to overpower the bass or synth for some reason."

Haha, might just be because you've got "Fruity Limiter" set in your mixer's master track. Hit File > New from template and find "Blank Slate". From then on, use that setting and you won't get any overpowering or anything.

If you don't have Fruity Limiter on, then I can't help you with that I guess. It just takes a bit of practice!

"The drums here have a nice little feeling to them and give that truly dynamic feel of never truly being alone and always having to hunt for a new place to stay. No matter what, something is likely there trying to get them. However a lack of drums at the end gives that feeling that they did find a place of peace and that they may finally be able to rest for once and stop having to look for a place they can rest in safety. Wonderful way to end it."

That was entirely intentional so I'm happy you pointed it out. I wanted the song to end on a satisfying but soft note to indicate that at last the troubles are over. It was made to indicate that the protagonist finally found a sanctuary although one of the reviewers of this song got a bit creative and interpreted it as the protagonist dying and finding peace in the hands of death... which was a pretty cool interpretation, I thought :3.

"The harp reminded me a lot of Final Fantasy VIII when going to where the minotaur brothers were for some reason."

I'm not so big on Final Fantasy (only ever played the VII on the PSP) so I can't relate, but hey, you're comparing this to game soundtrack so I won't complain, haha.

"The bass felt kind of like a bass guitar but it was a cello instead right?"

Depends. At the very beginning there's a double bass playing which might be what you're comparing to a bass guitar, but at, say, 2:21, there's a cello playing. I find that strings are really amazing at giving bass and depth to orchestral songs, so in every orchestral song of mine you'll find that there's always a double bass/cello/both playing chords in the background.

"Very nice on the ears to listen to. Can just picture a whole orchestra actually playing the song actually."


"The violins give that feeling of constant peace and strangely make me think of Kingdom Hearts credit music too, cool I suppose."

Haven't played Kingdom Hearts either. Yeah I'm not much of a gamer :P.

"The trombones, trumpets, and others of those sort make this song truly a joy to listen to and very nice on the ears as well."

That is quite good to hear because in general I'm not very satisfied with the brass my East/West Symphonic Orchestra Silver VST has to offer. Well I mean they're recorded professionally from real instruments so they're LEAGUES better than most other brass samples, and the French horns sound great, but the trombones and trumpets in the VST do sound a bit iffy, IMO. East/West Symphonic Orchestra makes up for that with amazing strings, however.

"Overall, lovely to hear how this one turned out, excellent work, looking forward to more!!"

D'aww thanks :3. Again, I greatly appreciate the detailed review!

Very well done bud it has a very epic feel to it like it should be in a lighter fantasy game like fable. My only problem with it is just that it isn't to my taste which is no fault of yours I'm just more a dark fantasy person

Step responds:

Haha alright! To each his own.

I'm glad you find it epic and stuff :3. Thanks!