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Reviews for "ET Smash"

My god! The controls!

Do you have something against right-handed laptop users? I was forced to use my left hand for the touchpad, which was extremely awkward and not altogether worth it. The game was simple and repetitive so I didn't feel bad about giving up on it quickly. Change the controls to wasd and add some variety.

Lay off the nutmeg.

I feel bad. I feel like I have to ruin my little sisters birthday party or something. Maybe that's the effect of hearing that music. Anyways ~

As nice LOOKING as it was (not very nice) ... this game wasn't good at all. Why? Blindfold yourself, ask your friend to sit at your computer, turn the sound off... and have him play this game. Then... just... listen. If you can't figure it out by then... just imagine what a mouse giving a computer a hand job would sound like.

I mean seriously. It's almost as good as the Meet N Fuck games that all end up with you vigorously shaking your mouse ... except in those games you are a pervert... in this game you are just plain dumb.... that is... if you WANT to beat the level. Either that, or you were abused as a child and need really shitty flash games to supplement your self esteem.

Sorry about the 2 stars. It was the most I could afford. I didn't really think it deserved any stars... but I don't want anyone quitting life or giving up on art.

Just try again, and don't base the game off fake-masturbation. Also, try to be sober and talk OUT the game idea. Imagine that the person you hate the MOST is telling you about the game (as you talk to yourself) ... if the person you hate the most can convince you to play that piece of shit, maybe it IS worth making.



i think the game by itself explains my score

This is Newground's on drugs

Letting crap like this on the front page. Sure it look pretty, but that's about it.
Lets review shall we?

First off. WASD duh? No one uses the arrow keys with the mouse! If I had to hit even space to play the game I would be S.O.L.

Second. Oh my God shut the music off! Couldn't you get one more track for the game? Would it have killed you!

Third. Mouse controls. "While responsive weren't that accurate. I offen found my mouse seizing up be.cause it would go off the screen. Really messing up my game play.

Fourthly, I want my claw! Where's my claw? Your tutorial said there was a claw I clicked there was no claw.

Fifthly, Repetitive. It's really repetitive, like no variation repetitive, it was by it's nature repeating itself over and over. Did I mention repetitive?

Sixthly, No powerups. No health super attacks (See repetitive)

So ten minus five, is five, plus one is six, minus one for the repetitive nature. one for every power up that it should have had.

One star! :D


It was decent, except for the first second being like the rest of the game.
But because my score of 111,935 didn't register onto the scoreboard (100,000 being the highest I saw) I'm giving it a 0. Playing on the official site, once. Hope it works then...