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Reviews for "Virtual Psychiatrist"


This is about the longest conversation I've had:

Me: Are you gay?
Him: No! I'm not gay!
Me: Do you want to be gay?
Him: Yes I do want to be a gay, would it make you feel more comfortable if I didn't?
Me: So you want to be gay, but are afraid of being gay?
Him: yes.
Me: Do you want to have sex with other men?
Him: Yes I do want to have sex with men.
Me: so you ARE gay?
Him: What did I do to make you think that?
Me: you said you wanted to have sex with other men...
Him: I don't know.
Me: Do you have amnesia of some sort?
Him: Of course.
Me: Then you aren't qualified to be a psychiatrist
Him: Oh...
Me: I demand my money back!
Him: Why?
Me: Because you suck.
Him: Don't any other reasons come to mind?
Me: No, and if you will excuse me I will now leave this room...
Him: Do you really hink I will excuse you to leave this room?
Me: What are you going to do, keep me hostage?
Him: would you prefer if I were not going to keep you hostage?
Me: Yes I would very much prefer that.
Him: Why do you say that?
Me: Nevermind
Him: Come again?
Me:I highly doubt that *makes a break for the door*

Me: Do you have a life?
Him: No of course not... rofl


me: your tape recorder is burning
him: your tape recorder is burning!
me: i dont have one
him: does that trouble you?
me: NO!
him: are you saying no just to be negative?
me: of course not you idiot!
him: why not?
me: seriously?
him: come again.
me: ok i'm going to walk away now...
him: do you enjoy being going to walk away now?
me: okay, this is starting to get weird.
him: does this make you happy?
me: umm...
him: are you trying to confuse me?
me: o
(my computer made me say that)
him: you don't even know what you want do you want?
me: no
him: why not?
me: because you suck
him: what other reasons might there be?


me: why are you looking at my cock
him: because i want to look at your cock

me:why are you starring at my balls
him:because i want to
me:why do you like looking at my balls
him:cuz you pay me to
me:if i pay u to look at my ass would you?
him:yes 100$ an hour sounds nice right?
me:thats gay
him:what is it do you really want to know?
me:do you like my ass?
him:yes i very much like your ass


Me:r u gay
Him:iwe were talking about u
Me:ok do u have cock
Me:i thought we were talking about me not u
Him:ok im gay



Here are three of my conversations:
Me: Do you like penises?
Him: Why don't we talk about what you like

Me: Do you have a girlfriend?
Him: No! Never!
Me: What about a boyfriend?
Him: Why of course!

Me: I just had sex with a hot blonde!
Him: Well that was unneccesary