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Reviews for "Storm the House 3"

seems to be very good

it seems like a really nice defence game, but it needs save option for campaign and some bugs fixed (like when enemy becomes immortal and still shoots your base)


Why is easy so easy and then normal is like HOLY SHIT THIS IS 78x HARDER?

Hmm... this is going to be a tough and long one

Okay, so this is the third entry to your smash hit series "Storm the House." When I saw the title, I thought that WE were the ones who STORM the house, not our house being STORMED. lol.

Well, there's always the pros and cons in the review, so let's start with the pros.

1. Nice variety of characters and weapons to select from. I like how you are able to upgrade them and select tactically which to use so that you can't become all powerful, making the game rather challenging, which will be one of the cons, but we'll get to that later.
2. Excellent gameplay, and a variety of gameplay. LOL at the Sparta spoof game. The campaign was excellent, but I enjoyed the minigames a bit more. It was pretty fun to kill 300. lol
3. Overall nice graphics and smooth animations.
4. An overall excellent series.

Cons - forgive me, but I have A LOT to complain about.

1. The game is mad annoying and hard, but worst of all... LONG. Especially since that there are 40 levels in a campaign, and I usually only get one hour to play, it is virtually impossible to finish all 40, actually, hard to even get past level 20 because I have a time limit. I strongly advise a "save option."
2. The gunmen are so weak... they virtually do shit. I had a squad of up to 30 soldiers and I'm STILL being rushed like mad with a group right at my fence beating and smashing my castle to smithereens.
3. The upgrades are way too expensive and the fact that killing soldiers give you so little money, damn it.
4. There's no "anti-heavy armor" weapon. It is virtually hard to kill those mecha bots and tanks especially at the last few levels. Well, the chainsaw and the laser are options, but the laser is so f***ing slow and the chainsaw is pretty much weak and REALLY timeconsuming to reload EVEN when it's fully upgraded with all its ammo and damage. Grenade launchers won't kill them unless you fire 9 direct shots. And not even old glory can kill them all in time. So what does that leave? The turrets? The turrets are limited, damn it.
5. Well, I'd suggest that you are able to deploy some troops of your own instead of just defending by yourself. At least allow some infantry to leave your home. You can upgrade that house to add barracks, a research lab, blacksmith, woodsmith, medic lab, etc. That way you could turn your home into a small town or city. I won't be feeling so lonely.
6. PLOT DAMN IT. At least allow a story mode where there's a point to the meaningless slaughter. I mean, why is your damn house being stormed? you can't expect us to just go into a game and say, "Oh, my house is being stormed, I'll just defend my house with absolutely no clue as to why I'm being attacked. Oh well." You know "The Last Stand" series, right? At least there are journals and stories. I need a reason to fight. We need a plot, and some characters.
7. Could you at least add some "special attacks" like in "Age of War"? Like raining ducks, er... arrows, thunderstorm, blizzard, etc.
8. We need anti-air turrets, and not just the laser turrets. The turrets are way too weak and slow. The missle turrets are good for wide coverage, but weak against anti armor. The lasers fire way too slow, and even with a mix of them the last level you are overwhelmed by the sheer number of heavy armor troops. And I'm playing at normal mode, too!

Well, that sums it up pretty well, and I pretty much vented my fury. Sorry about that =P. But great game overall, and yes I played storm the house 2, which I really enjoyed.

Well, other things you can do is change the terrain a bit. Oh, and I miss that gravity fielder thingy (the vacuum thing). You could add a "black hole gate" that sucks all the troops into a black hole and oblivion.

I would like to be able to summon giant monsters. Goliaths, Golems, Dragons, etc. That would be pretty cool.

You ARE going to make storm the house 4, right? Can you actually allow the option of allowing US to deploy the troops and STORM that house instead of defending it? I mean, that's why it's called "Storm the House" right?

But well done


I just spent the last 2 and half hours playing this game....lol
It would have been nice If there was a save feature.
I had to give up, Can't look at the screen anymore.

Made It to Day 30

Ivorydrive responds:

you've got more patience than me....

the best Storm the House game, so far...

I give this 9/10, because i think everyone has the chance to improve. That said, this game is awesome, and has very little wrong with it. My biggest beef here, is that once you get to the higher levels, the graphics get a little glitchy, and time seems to slowly creep by. However, my graphics card is not the best, nor is my internet speed, so if there is someone out there does not see this problem beginning around level 50, then forget my animosity, because other than that, this game rocks.