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Reviews for "AGONY"

That was good

Pretty cool and educational, I learned a few things. It was interesting and looked really cool. I also thought it was cool that you used my song for the last stage, thanks for that. My friend and I think this should of got front page, its more worthy than alot of stuff I see there.
Well, great job, keep it up!

Z3pp0 responds:

Whow, thanks a lot!
Up until now, it was a little too buggy to have gotten frontpage, I guess, also, some features had to be canceled due to the schedule, but pseikow said he's going to look into some of the main issues so give it another go in some time.

P.S. Keep writing creepy tunes, I've dug deep through the audio portal and there's a good reason why your stuff got picked :D



it is really awesome, and i managed to answer the question correctly.
really awesome game, loved to play it. also great music. thanks to you, i won't be able to go to a doctor without being scared for the rest of my life :D

Z3pp0 responds:

Next time you need to see a dentist and you sit on this creepy rack-chair, remember one thing.
If you are asked some weird question which has obviously nothing to do with your present situation - never respond with something like "What?" or "Dunno.".
You just saw what happened and every doctor's got the tools to make you suffer right there.
Also, no need for creepy music. The tunes they play in real life while you wait for the doc are meant to tranquilize you and THAT is what I find most disturbing.


awesome game, i need to brush up on my death studies lol thanks for using my music.

Z3pp0 responds:

Yes, improve your death studies.
Everyone should.
It's important for life.
If you wanna live, that is.


that was freaky and awesome, the questions were weird and awesome, played through it twice, once i made it without a scratch and the other i lost a few things, but i did google a tiny bit for the success and if i couldn't find an answer i guess randomly, and besides the tune in the end is cool

Z3pp0 responds:

Yea, we had great support from the folx at the audio portal, they're responsible for a great deal of atmosphere in here.
The Halloween contest is always quite wicked on NG, so we HAD to come up with something a bit unusual - cool that you actually played twice, and btw, using google is ok to cheat through stuff :D

Terrifying quiz. Very well made.

5 out of 5 stars!