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Reviews for "Hobo Brawl"

Awesome, but one problem...

Saying you were a fan of Dad n Me, when you put a game that amazing in peoples heads, it sets up for some dissapointment, don't get me wrong, I LOVED this game, but its lacking that charm that Dad n Me had, its a bit rougher, easier, and lacking the cute little characters you can throw in front of a bus.

Gameplay: Fun and quirky, not as good as Dad n Me but as a standalone title its does what it's supposed to, but toss in some more interesting combos, the spit, snot and farts were a bit overused, it would have been nice to see some variations.

Story: Who cares?

Sound: Don't know, playing this game during class, sorry....

Overall: 9/10

Good Job, and keep it up! Maybe you will top Dad n Me with your next one :)

SeethingSwarm responds:

I simply HAD to mention Dad 'n Me as it was a huge inspiration for Hobo. I didnt really set out to top that wonderful game. I never even imagained it possible. I've been waiting for another game like that to come out, but it just wasn't happening, and suddenly I found myself with the skills to attempt something similar. If you have a problem with me saying I'm a fan of Dad 'n Me, you can go and eat some broccoli :)

Thanks for the long review and the NINE!

Love it

Hey loves it!!!
Kinda slow....But mabye it is just my computer.
Anyway it rocks!!!!!!!!!!

SeethingSwarm responds:

The game's performance totally depends on your computer.

whats wrong with the 9 star givers?!

Amazing game. I also love your other two games (rise of a knight and rise of a king I believe they're called) keep up the great work! and congrats on front page ;)

SeethingSwarm responds:


I love it

I like dadnme too. Unfortunaltely its too short and not as good as dadnme but I will give you 10 anyway.

SeethingSwarm responds:

Thanks :)
Isn't this a tiny bit longer than Dad 'n Me? T'was the first time I've ever made a game like this one and it took a lot of effort and time. Sorry if it's too short.

Yeah liked it, but...

I was just wondering why things are resubmitted, I guess tehre's a reason most times. Could you please enlighten me?
Also, if possible in the future could you up the AI?

SeethingSwarm responds:

What the HELL are you talking about?!

And about upping the A.I:
If it was that easy to improve artiffical intelligence then the world would have been ruled by T800s long ago, my dear BoBMudd2. I'll try my best to make better games and enemies in the future, like I always do.

Thanks for the NINE!