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Reviews for "Console Wars!!!"

Good work.

Quite good for a time killing RTS. Plot's funny, name is catchy and the game is certainly fun. It's not your hardcore RTS, but someone who plays flash games probably isn't looking for such, anyway.

It did have it's bad sides, mainly the fact that units did not return fire most of the time, but i enjoyed it.

Well done. Here's a 9 for your efforts, and a 5 for the vote.

A sound time waster

Like the title says, it was a good way to spend 45 mins :)


I liked the graphics, they were good. The missions were pretty decent (although sometimes annoying when the enemy builds 5 units at once and you think "wtf, chets!"). It wasnt too challenging and not too easy either, which is something i enjoy when im up for a casual game.


Like Killar2 said, the unit actions could be tweaked so they act more effective when they see the enemy, the planes were especially annoying (sometimes they wouldnt even attack the enemy if it was too close to the base)

All in all s good game, not much replay value imo and the constant push to enter free draws etc started to annoy me, but still fun.

gravitygun: 1. There were games before Red alert (CnC95 mebe) and there WAS the ability to move the screen with the arrow keys, douche.


I see what you were trying to achieve, but the controls felt somewhat clumsy and inefficient (a problem that most flash games suffer from so don't take it as a personal attack on your abilities)

Also (a problem that Red Alert itself suffered from) i got annoyed quite quickly with my units refusing to defend themselves until the enemy was directly on top of them, or i specifically ordered them to do so. Effectively this came down to having to babysit every unit, all the time, which may appeal to the APM gamers out there, but not to me.

And then there's the economy, it felt far too slow for my liking, especially as the enemy appears to start with limitless resources that they continually pile units at you with.

Over all, a worthy effort, though it could do with a little more polish.

nice,but needs upgrading

You really did used most of Red alert mouse models and commands
Instead add your own
You should make it delay free
Delay is something really hated amongs those who call themselves "real strategy" players
You should add arrow movement of camera
You should add a nice upgrading system (if there is not one implemented,sorry I didn't play this game too long because I was tired of playing a retro red alert game)

Kinda Slow

Make it a bit faster will ya?