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Reviews for "Cup o Democracy"

Lackluster Captain

This episode of Captain Capitalism, subtlely put, is trash compared to the previous ones. But I guess you felt pressed to get it out before the election so you could make your political discontent known instead of creating good parody.


I didn't think he was going to answer the question. I still don't really know how to use what he gave me because:

A) They're both ass-ugly

B) Deborah Wilson would make a convincing Obama. Jimmy Fallon might do a good McCain if he lived in a hot-tub and got cancer, but it'd suck, because it's Jimmy Fallon.

C) Obama can probably bench more NOW, but he's such a lightweight that McCain could probably bench-press HIM!

ummmmmmm....this seems very different

This is very pretty and all.....................but are you using a different voice actor for CC?.....................and isnt there usually humor like the others?

sorry but this sucks compared to the other ones

the new voice sucks, it's not nearly as funny as the other two, and it probably couldve been longer. i mean you had dick cheney well "go F*** yourself" to a kid THATS BRILLIANT but i think a lot more couldve been done and said about the candidates, i mean thi is newgrounds, insult somebody in ur short, especially if its about politics, i mean obama wont let us check his records, thats perfect for jokes, mccain chose palin, thats gold. this seemed more formal than anything


not to funny; seemed like a messed up episode of Bill Nye on politics. greta detail and graphics though