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Reviews for "BUGWAVE"


Good game, and has good grapics. this game is very hard! This game can be improved by... making ez ezer

Good, but...

This game was interesting, to say the least. Graphics were well done, and I loved the play on elements that was made. However, I do have to agree that the game was a bit too difficult. Even on easy, the heavies are nearly impossible to take out. In addition to toning the game down a bit, I want to make one other suggestion- Sandbox Mode.

eWave responds:

Did you upgrade the towers? Use towers with a "splash" effect to damage many bugs in reach with one shot, like earthquake or hurricane.

In Easy-Mode it is really easy to play all 60 waves.

Good game, needs help.

As a master of Tower Defense games, i was quite impressed with this one. Stunning graphics were a nice touch in comparison to the mundane of other TD games.
PROS: Good Graphics, Easy playability for the first little bit, unique concept, well thought out and placed together.
CONS: It is hard to read a lot of the text, perhaps make it larger? The lack of a Tutorial turns players off from the game, The Help Button is the smallest button in the menu, and i actually missed it the first time around.

Honestly, i don't think i will play this game again. I managed to beat level 50 on Medium and was satisfied with those results. Easy was Far too.. Well easy in the beginning, but the difficulty curve was just right over the course of the game. However, it has been said once, so i shall say it again. The funding problem is pretty hard to cope with in the lower levels. Perhaps you should consider raising the Gold per kill in the Easiest of difficulties, or putting in a Sandbox mode. Also, Mass Upgrading would be wonderful, for all those Great Wall Towers.

One thing that Irked me was the Elemental differential. Granted i can understand its placement in the game, but methinks you should have the Elemental Status on the harder levels, and leave the bugs element less in the lower levels

EASY: 3X Gold from Bugs, Starting gold +200-500, No elements from Bugs, Towers build 20% Faster, Sell for 50% more.
MEDIUM: 2X Gold from bugs, Starting gold stays the same as it is now, No Elements, Towers build at the same Speed, and sell for the same amount
HARD: Same gold level, Starting gold stays the same, All elements in place, Towers built 20% slower, Sold for 45% cheaper.

That might upset the balance of the game at the two End cap levels, but making it REALLY easy on easy will snuff the need for a lengthy tutorial, and making it Really hard on Hard mode challenges the Vets. One other thing to think about however, is perhaps an awards system. I know a lot of the other TD's have them, but you could make fairly simple ones. Like at 100 Kills, you get +50 Starting gold, same thing with 500 kills and 1000 kills, And after you build a certain number of Towers, they start at a Perma +1 upgrade at no cost to the player (It'd have to be somewhere in the 1000+ range for the Great Wall towers x.x) but that's just what i think, and my views.

In short this game is very well put together, and any seasoned TD player will be able to figure it out after the first two or so plays, but no guarantees that they will get past Easy

pretty good

good concept, fun, just add a tutorial

Pretty Cool

This game has kept me entertained for the past few days now (while I was supposedly working...).

The only few things that bugged me ;). There was no pause button so when I needed to alt tab away for what ever reason I often got back to find that I had been overrun and the music gets a tad annoying afterawhile. Other than that the graphics are nice and clean and its a enjoyable game. Good Work. :)