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Reviews for "Zombie Survival: Outbreak"

Good idea, needs work.

Specifically, the mech-suits.

The charge-up laser is worse than useless, the grenade launcher on the NEO-mech-suit uses YOUR GRENADES, which is bad, and both mechs lack a melee attack, making them unable to deal with the fast zombies. The NEO is wholy unable to deal with fast slash-zombies, and the mechsuit has to WALK all the way to the other side of the map and turn around, getting itself just barely enough time to turn around and get a few shots off before the enemy is upon them.

They're giant robotic mechanized suits. The NEO even has claws. WHY do they not have a melee attack?! I should be able to smack some zombie fools all the way across town with one bash from the heavy arms on the mech suit, and I oughta be able to just rip heads off with the NEO's manipulator claws.

It's alright I guess.

I thought there would be more weapons, dropped weapons maybe, power ups, health packs, ducking, climbing, etc.

The graphics remind of some of the older games on SNES and Gensis, although not as good game play.

Great Game! In it's class.

First let me say to "crutywurty" that the leaping guys are simple, just wait untill they're about to jump, then jump over them in the opposite direction... gives you enough distance to pick 'em off.

Now thats said...

It's a great game in it's own class. It's got all the needed components of a great flash, smooth gameplay, decent graphic( old Nintendo/Sega sprites were a refreshing way to go!), clear audio, nice sound effect, some gore, common theme, a little twist with the mecha suits, available cheats, which, like "Reprisal" said, needs to be acheived I think, upgrades are nice, needs more.
Some downpoints... I'll start with the main downpoint. Way too repetive, I mean sure a game like this is bound to get repetetive, but It just goes on and on and on... and on. No bosses, or atleast that I saw, and I had to atleast done like 25-30 before giving up, with cheats mind you... Lol. Needs some more Upgrades, different guns, maybe a special sheild to keep you going untill you can afford the mecha suits, better knife, always hated that you couldn't get a better knife in RE4, and... ooh maybe a medpack you can use in-game. Also no amma system, kind of refreshing to nnot have to worrie about ammo but... So unnatural for a zombie game, ya know?
I think thats it, those are just my suggestions, the game you made is excellente, and doesn't really "need" improvement, some bosses and one more "easier" dificulty for poeple like me who suck, would really kick it tot he max. My other ideas are just for open concept ^_^
Great Game! -


This was pretty good overall, but starting off might get you angry if your short tempered... It makes me think of the game Metal slug by the way it's created, btw great job with the art and sound effect. Though the name is a little misleading


But it would be better if you could shoot when moving and there needs to be more selection of guns and upgrades.Great Job! 4/5 8/10