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Reviews for "Aquatica"

good game

but it cold of used a more open approch like flow.... or an ability to progress through different animals lie other games. very origional and fun but a little bit to constricting for me.

Was OK

The movement was odd. The speed wouldn't stay consistent. It would be nice and quick for a little stretch, then it would nearly stop completely (even when my mouse was far on the edge) like a pulsing, which was maddening. It also seemed to move very slowly overall. In a game like this, I want to just zoom around and explore, find little hidden rooms full of poweups etc. The controls are vitally important to that and here they detracted from the experience.

I liked the idea, even though I've seen some similar stuff before I think it's still fresh. the graphics were alright. Overall not a bad game. There always seems to be one thing that makes or breaks a game for me, though, and here it was the inconsistent controls/pacing of the game.


its tooo slow. omg.. kills my wrist to move it a lil ):

nice graphics tho,

Looks fantastic, plays repetitive.

Well this is clearly your most commercial entry to date, probably bolstered by the fact that it was created for a Flash game site that you now work for. As such, it falls into the pitfalls of many a more mainstream game in that it is kind of boring and repetitive.

The controls are easy to pick up and the gameplay is sound enough, but it's just that there have been so many similar games to this over the years they all just kind of get boring. Still, the backgrounds for each level looked just fantastic, definitely had the level of detail we've come to expect from your work.

Games like this are good in that they have a more mainstream appeal and more people are likely to hear of your work, and possibly check out your other entries. And of course, the news that Ex-Mortis 3 is still coming along nicely, probably moreso than ever thanks to your new job, is always good to hear. I personally won't mind playing several average to good games like this with your stunning art style if it means there is an Ex-Mortis 3 at the end of it!

he has stoled that from 3rdsense
