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Reviews for "TheHeist"

Was fun but could be a little bit better

I gave you a 8 because I thought you did a great job. It was an entertaining game but I would have liked it more if I had the ability to use all of the weapons that I had bought in a heist run instead of only being able to use one at a time. The graphics were not half bad either.

shifter83 was right you definately do start pulling in the cash once you get the missles.

ITS FUN, but there are bugs.

whenever you shoot or skid you can't move left. And, it gets boring quick because its very repetitive. More weapons would be nice. Also, the gold on the van was cool but could've been better.

Great idea

But a good idea is about all it's got. It was really fun driving and whatnot, but it's absolute bull shit that making cars blow up costs you money, or even blowing up cops costs you money. If you gain money for killing cops, why would it cost money when you ram them? It's also complete crap that the police shooting you takes away so much money. I think you should have made it so that collisions and bullets damaged you instead and you had to pay money to fix your car, that would have been way better than ending most levels with ZERO credits all because a few bullets and massive destruction. Honestly, what do i care about civilians getting hurt? it'd be so much cooler if you could just cause massive mayhem and maybe have to pay a little bribe for every civilian you blow up.


It's like Spy Hunter meets GTA 1. I really like how you creatively implemented bullet-time and "hit points". You can use as much bullet time as you want, but the clock is still ticking, so you might miss your get-away. And you can be as reckless as you want, but you lose cash doing so, and literally can end up empty-handed. The roads soon turn Max Max'ian as cars are flying everywhere. The weapons were good, but some, like the Slammer, were aweful. It always caused more trouble than it was worth, tossing all kinds of cars around and making wrecks I'd lose money for. I wish you could keep your weapon upgrades and switch on-the-fly, too. But those are very minor complaints for an otherwise awesome game! This brought back memories of tossing quarter after quarter into the Spy Hunter arcade machine at 7-11. Thanks!

can only repeat whats already said...

hitting cops COSTS you money, and hitting cars costs way too much money, but here's a suggestion, since you have to slow down to avoid crashes... how about a cash bonus for time left? gives you 2 options to make money, avoid all the cars and hopefully eek out 1/3 of what the originail pay was... or SPEED LIKE CRAZY and try and get a big bonus.