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Reviews for "Super Mario bros Z ep.7 (old series)"


I had to give you a low score on this. This cartoon lacked any semblence of originally - in fact - it appeared that you went out of your way to be unoriginal.

Graphicwise, I grew rather tired of gazing at a screenful of zoomed in pixelated blocks and the storyline again was trite and rather cliched. It did not hold my interest for very long.

I was hoping that you were going to end it at this cartoon but it seems that you will continue this train wreck of a series and thus spur on a great deal of your followers who unfortunately look up to you.

I will now perhaps see Newground's portal spammed with more sprite copycats of your work as fans begin to emulate your work. Good job for lowering Newground's standards.

Okay well this was Im afraid very poorly done!

This site has a lot of this same shit on it man, do something diffrent. Please! For the love of god I don't care what it is just no more of this shit Im begging you I WANT TO SEE SOMETHING THAT ISNT THE SAME GODDAMN SHIT THAT I SEE EVERYONE MAKE! It's so EASY do something else please Im begging you!

There's honestly nothing good about this. Stolen graphics, stolen characters, stolen ideas, no attempt at any kind of actual original work. You are not an artist or even a storymaker by continuing this series. Do something diffrent and apply your own ideas and animations etc to it. This is constructive criticism I am passing unto you. I would LOVE for you to adhere to it. What do you have to lose? Most of your fans are going to like what you do anyway and you'll probably get some new ones if you just drop this series and work on something that is your own work. Not an orgy of other peoples ideas combined into one.
And I have read the review guidelines very carefully and have not broken any rules! I am trying to help you man!

In one word: Annoying.

Well its not really bad, but I would honestly not call it worth its hype. I think the word that best describes it is LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG.

Not just long, mind-numbingly long. Its like a fan-fiction gone wrong. Its like receiving brain surgery without anesthetic. I must say, to be able to cram all that pointless dialogue into a movie, and still classify it as action, is truly not what I would call it.

In fact I am sort of new to the SMBZ series. I steer clear of sprite movies, and they can suck or rock however much they want. Well I decided to step out of my comfort zone, and watch this movie. Well I must say, it was not terribly bad, but it was terribly boring.

I can see that you put some hard work into this (or I hope), considering how agonizingly drawn out the dialogue is.

But enough of the dialogue, I could go on for ages about how annoying the dialogue was, but on to the action. I am usually critical of sprite fights, because most often the author did not make the sprites, did not come up with the characters, did not make the backgrounds, etc. Well I cannot really make those assumptions. There are a few instances that looked like origional material. Although the 3d pipe was not what I call top notch animation, it was a nice touch of variety.

But lets get on to the use of sprites. Now I've already given part of this rant, but let me expand on it for you. The main reason being, all the reviews I have seen you make are for sprite movies. In addition, all of your movies are heavily related to video games. Now let me as you, is an origional concept really that hard? If you are such a great artist, as I'm told by the several reviewers already here, and hundreds more bound to come, can't you draw your own material throughout the movie? I mean, I cannot force you to move past video games, but can you at least put the effort that EgoRaptor does?

Which leads me to the humor. Now personally, I tried to read the dialogue, I honestly did, but it was just to painful. I couldn't bear to sit through it. But I did manage to catch a few snatches of it. Let me be the first on Newgrounds to say that 4chan jokes are not funny. They are used and recycled by people with none of their own sense of humor. There may be some of your fan base that loves this humor, hopefully they are not on NG, but using them just feels like a cheap ploy for laughs.

Let me move on to the plot. Actually, because I refuse to watch the rest of the SMBZ series, especially after this, I am not rightfully in a position to make a concise judgement, but may I say, What The Hell??? This brings me back to the description of it as a fan-fiction. All the video game characters together, thrown in with cameos, is this some ploy or am I missing out on something?

How about the sound. Well, while rapidly skipping through dialogue, waiting for something to happen, was annoying enough, It seemed you threw in random sound-effects too. Occasionally having my ears peirced with fake dialogue, hearing the same sound effect several times, was just plain sadistic on your part.

Now that we have gotten through the bulk of the content in this movie, let me move on to the action. The good part, the supposed meat of the movie. I must say, it wasn't to bad, but of course I could have watched an episode of Dragon Ball Z with more action. And then the characters would be drawn by hand. I guess thats the premise of the series: "Mario meets DragonBall Z". Yet instead of taking the good parts of the series and minimalizing the bad, you took the bad parts and minmalized the good. Bad parts: Overly long dialogue and common anime themes (See "How to succeed on Newgrounds" for what I mean). Good parts: fast paced action, interesting character design, and creative plots (to an extent of course).

In summary, it wasn't bad but there was plenty of steps you could have taken to make it better. Like take an axe to the majority of the dialogue, increase the amount of origional artwork, and find a more creative theme.

Bowser is so childish to cry!

What a peice of overrated crap

I'm sorry, but this was just bad. It wasn't fun, it's wasn't funny, it was a snooze fest. First off, I see little to no originality here. Okay, Mario, Sonic and Bowser are getting Chaos Emeralds. Okay, uh great. You've ripped off Mario, Sonic, and Dragonball Z, and disgraced them all. And what I can't stand about sprite movies, is how boring and uninspired they truly are. You're stealing someone else's work, and just moving it around. Not impressed.

There never was, or never will be, something innovative or ground breaking in a sprite movie. Just the boring old horribly narrated fight scenes and dry humor. The humor in this was as dry as a desert. It was BAD. I've seen funnier things in crappy shows for children 10 and under. And that humor is just BAD. This is worse. This is one of many overrated and overhyped things on the internet. Just because we have someone who people love, anything he makes, no matter how bad, people will love. Why? Controlling people by the media I guess you can say. Make something crappy, put a big name on it, and it's a masterpiece. If me or someone not so well known, made this same exact thing, it would get blammed. Anyway, best of luck with your sprite movies, maybe one day you can set a higher, or should I say high bar for these atrocious pieces of unwatchable crap.