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Reviews for "Microbe Kombat"

It wasn't bad

A fun game, but not sure if it really deserved front page. Also i do agree with the other comments about it being like spore but I don't know if this was intentional. If there's ever a remake, add more action and items

be honest

You got the idea from spore didnt ya?
This is a bit more complecated that spores version, however i had two problems with it.
my first problem is the limit on the size...
it would always end up being mine vs one other enemy and we would both be the maximum size, so we couldnt do anything to each other and we couldnt grow any larger, i even tryed to split and make one explode next to it but that still somehow didnt work so i had to wait till the other one made the dumb mistake of splitting so i could eat it.
my second problem is it was me and on enemy again, there was a virus on the screen and all the enemies ate it! so they all exploded and died reletivly quick so there was a bunch of viruses on the screen and my last opponent was infected.. so i wait.. and wait.. and wait.. it feels like i've been waiting for a very long time and he hasnt exploded yet, we are both at max size mind you, and then i accedently eat one too, i'm thinking oh well he ate it way before i did so i got nothing to worry about he will explode way before i do, the second i say that i die... WTF?? he ate the thing a good 2 mins before i did how come he didnt explode first?

HeroInteractive responds:

Let's be honest. You haven't play too many games have you? Spore's "one thing eating another and thus growing larger" concept is NOT a novel idea among computer/video games. Our game is in no way like Spore except for that idea. And no, we didn't get the idea from Spore, we developed it on our own before we truly knew what the cell stage of Spore would be like.

On the other hand, we appreciate your [constructive?] criticism and will keep your ideas and thoughts in mind for the development of future games. Thanks for taking the time to write such a long comment.

2 cocks up

If youre going to write a review atleast be constructive, instead of "duh, it was good but got boring after a while..."

I thought it was really straight-forward almost brainless fun, until it started getting a lil more intense that is. Gunna be a one time play for me but in saying that it was well made. All I have to say is needs just a lil more.. maybe more variety of some sort.

HeroInteractive responds:

Thank you, indeed constructive criticism is far more valuable than a simple, "Boring," or something. Thank you for your ideas as well.

good concept

but enimies are still only a little bit bigger then you when they can eat you and you have 2 be massive 2 eat them very unfair ratios of eating and not fast paced enough

Good but repetitive.

It was fun but got old for me around the fourth level.