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Reviews for "Warlords: Heroes"

Hack and slash awesomeness!

At first i thougt, ugh just like achilles it's true, but in a much better way.
Achilles was pretty cool and warlords: call to arms was awesome so a combination of those 2 has to be a good game and that my friend it is.
i liked the function to hire mercenaries and buy fighting moves and armour at the end of a battle.
You can cross the whole map to fight and have 4 campains, cool!
But gladiater is so hard, i need to kill 13 enemys for a badge Kongregate, i just can't get it :(.
Anyways, a really awesome game, make warlords: call to arms 2!

Well designed

On the whole the game is well thought out and alot more difficult than most side scrolling hack and slashes

The only fault I could find was in AI of the ranged mercenaries. They would blindly advance backwards to engage enemies, instead of doing the intelligent thing of using their ranged attack to their advantage. Became really frustrating on hard ranked levels late in the game when you lose a merc early do to multiple elite units spawning and slaughtering them.

something new i like it :D

yeah really diferent game i have seen :O i like it ;DD

Good game, but crappy too.

The armor doesn't seem to work at all, some enemies will smash me for 50% of my health even with all the armor purchased. My allies die too quickly, no gold to buy henchmen, and I'm surrounded by hard areas. I can't beat any area to escape to an easier place for some gold, so now I have to restart.

The "powerful attacks" I buy don't do shit sometimes. They can take a fraction of health away, doing like 5% damage a hit, while other times they die instantly. It's too unreliable, and as some have already said, the moves set you up to get owned.

When three enemies show up and you're alone, might as well just lie down... your moves do nothing to save you.

Not bad at all.

This is all-round a much better game than Achilles, so good work on that. It gets a major boost in my eyes simply for not getting quite so many random enemies surrounding you- and even when it did happen, I usually felt responsible for not clearing the enemies out fast enough.

One thing, though- Ellder was just much more enjoyable to play with than the other two by far. I never really felt like my cash was well spent on techniques for the orc and the prince because a lot of them just didn't feel very beneficial. A lot of the attacks seem to hit the enemy, dump you right in front of them, and have them ready to attack you again before your move's ended. You could balance this out by giving some of these moves additional effects like stun, knockback, knockdown, area attack, inflicting wounds, inflicting bleeding. Yeah, it's possible to not get hit EVERY time you use one of these attacks, but I found myself doing the same thing over and over to finish the levels, using repetitive tactics I worked out with selective purchasing and trial and error, rather than thinking on my feet and attacking/blocking intelligently. I get the feeling that a quicker jump or some kind of back-dodge would really do wonders. Ellder's story was still challenging at times, but much more fun.

I could go on, but it's mostly minor little frustrations. Could do with being a bit less stiff, but all in all it's a pretty solid game and I found it worth beating (yes, even the horrible bastard final boss who stuns you every damn time he hits you with his massive range weapon.) I look forward to seeing more from you.