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Reviews for "Ninja Quiz"


Though how the hell you can tell the time from a cat ill never know..!

Lare responds:

Since a cat has such sensitive eyes, they adjust frequently as the sun passes through the sky. So when you look at cat directly to the eye, you can tell the time from the thickness of it's retina.

pirates own ninjas

sure u got godzilla and pokegaymon but we got davey jones and di u know james bond was half pirate ? good quiz though

Lare responds:

You're words are meaningless!

Nice game

Hey hey, nice game here, the only question i didnt know and totally failed at it was the time one(first picked watch, then compass then sky then cat then finally them all) the rest i knew and the last one i guessed from a first try, lucker eh?:D anyways good job on making this game its kinda fun:) btw, you can make like a brief description of every thing you answered for instance..uhm the Kunai part, you could make after you answered a little description about the kunai and a picture with it or smthin sort..hope i helped:) good luck

Lare responds:

That's actually a good suggestion. I might do that in the sequel. Thanks.


i was hoping for a ninja fighting game...you seem to know enough...how bout uou make one of them next?

Lare responds:

Uhm... I'll see what I can do.


WEll.. I said it already. And to mention i get the last question right by first answer. Well i just tried think Naruto's Kakashi vs Zabuza scene (ehehe ^^'') and of course there was a bit luck too. Only 2 questions made me problem but wit next try i got it right.

I played quiz2 too and then played this one (cause in quiz2 had link to this) so i say in this that it was a bit better cause it told about the things. Not only give "correct". I liked it alot. 10/10 to quiz2.

Lare responds:

Thanks, I'm glad you liked them both. And if you actually got the last question right on the first go, then good job!